New York Post

Furor at Fido-slay police

- Melkorka Licea

Delaware cops fatally shot a rabid dog and slammed a patrol car into another pooch they were trying to catch — infuriatin­g animal lovers. More than a dozen officers and three animal-control workers tried to collar the pit bull and German shepherd, which were “baring their teeth, growling and foaming at the mouth” around 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Lt. Andrew Rubin told the Newark Post of Delaware.

But after chasing the canines — who had been “sprinting towards the officers” for 90 minutes with treats and catch poles with no luck, the cops decided “lethal force’’ was necessary.

They shot the pit bull and hit the German shepherd with a car, but he ran off.

Local animal activists quickly took to social media to vent their anger.

“Newark Delaware Police Department I am sickened by your officers actions today,” Ashton Cleveland wrote on Facebook.

Cleveland said she was ordered to “back off ” and was “threatened with arrest while trying to save the dogs,” she claimed in the post.

After shooting the pit bull, offic- ers “gave us a THUMBS UP after killing this dog,” she wrote.

But others came to the defense of the cops.

“I am crying over what happened,’’ Abby Painter said.

“But I am also going to give them the benefit of the doubt because just last week my neighbor’s pit got out and attacked a teenager riding his bike in front of my house.”

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