New York Post

BUZZ BOOK: One hell of a trip

- Susannah Cahalan

Hey, magic mushrooms are still vegan. In “How to Change Your Mind,” (Penguin Press) food journalist Michael Pollan makes psychedeli­cs his subject du jour by offering up his own mind as a test subject. It may not be the obvious subject for the author of the modern classic “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” but stick with Pollan — this departure makes for great reading.

Pollan provides a deep dive into the history of psychedeli­cs from Albert Hofmann’s fortuitous discovery of LSD (by accidental­ly taking it) in 1943 to today’s emerging psychedeli­c research revolution. Pollan presents the scientific case for the psychedeli­cs: Studies show that psychedeli­cs stop addictive behaviors and reduce symptoms of depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Most effectivel­y he highlights the story of one NYU patient who received LSD for a study on end-of-life care and how he emerged more accepting of his terminal cancer diag- nosis, considerin­g himself to still be “the luckiest man alive.”

The book is at its most deliciousl­y trippy when we get to experience a highas-a-kite Pollan. We follow him shaman shopping in the Bay Area (he rejects a bear-hugging 9/11 truther). On LSD, he whispers to himself: “I don’t want to be so stingy with my feelings.”

Bad trips happen, but the book’s animating question is this: Does taking psychedeli­cs make you a more spiritual, grounded, happier person? And should this be part of medicine’s treatment arsenal? Pollan doesn’t come down cleanly on one side, though he does leave us with his personal takeaway: “The mind is vaster, and the world ever so much more alive, than I knew when I began.” —

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