New York Post


Reality is, they’re making us heartless


Surprise! Watching the Kardashian sisters shop and bicker on TV isn’t making you a better person.

Reality-TV shows that glamorize luxury and fame — such as “Keeping Up with the Kardashian­s” and “The Apprentice” — turn viewers into coldhearte­d people with no empathy for the poor, suggests a study from re- searchers at the London School of Economics.

“If there is more emphasis on materialis­m as a way to be happy, this makes us more inclined to be selfish and anti-social and, therefore, unsympathe­tic to people less fortunate,” study author Dr. Rodolfo Levya told the Telegraph UK.

Even 60 seconds of the vapid materialis­m is enough to change people’s es- teem of those who are less fortunate than they are, the researcher­s found.

For the study, 487 adults ages 18 to 49 were asked about nine TV shows, including BBC’s “The Apprentice,” “Keeping up with the Kardashian­s,” “X-Factor” and the British reality show “Made in Chelsea.”

People who regularly watched the shows were more likely to have “stronger materialis­tic and anti-wel- fare attitudes” than those who didn’t watch as much, according to the study, published in the latest issue of the journal Media Psychology.

“Programs like ‘The Apprentice’ and ‘The X Factor’ are engineered to absorb audiences into the world of wealth and celebritie­s so act as ‘cultivator­s’ of materialis­tic values and attitudes,” Levya told The Times UK.

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