New York Post

GOP rival: Probe gov-plug mailer

- Carl Campanile

Marc Molinaro, the Republican candidate for governor, is requesting an investigat­ion of a taxpayer-funded mailer that urges residents to vote, but also gives a plug to Gov. Cuomo as he runs for re-election.

The Post first reported on the controvers­ial mailer Thursday.

“Register to vote. It’s easier than ever. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo is expanding access and opportunit­y to New Yorkers to register to vote,” said the mailer.

Molinaro asked the Joint Commission on Public Ethics and the state Board of Elections to investigat­e whether tax dollars are being misused for political purposes.

“With less than 100 days until the primary election this may be a clear violation and, at least, is an abuse of taxpayer resources for campaign political purposes,” Molinaro said.

Cuomo’s Democrati-primary rival, Cynthia Nixon, also questioned how public funds could be used to promote the governor so close to the election.

“Not only is this a gross abuse of state funds, but it’s untrue,” she said. “Cuomo makes it incredibly difficult for New Yorkers to register to vote and to cast their ballots.”

Susan Learner, executive direc- tor of the watchdog group Common Cause, slammed the Cuomofrien­dly mailer as “misleading” and inappropri­ate.

A Cuomo spokesman has defended the mailers.

“The language in the mailing is purely informatio­nal, was vetted by counsel, is within all applicable rules and guidelines,” Rich Azzopardi said when The Post first raised the issue.

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