New York Post

Weird BUT true


New Jersey apparently loves all creatures great and small.

It already has an official state dinosaur. The state Senate recently passed a bill naming a state microbe, and if the House concurs it’ll become official.

The microbe produces streptomyc­in, an antibiotic used to treat several diseases. It was discovered in 1943 in a Jersey chicken.

Good news for citizens of the US, France, Britain and any other country who raise toasts to a red, white and blue flag. France is now producing a blue wine, to go with its red and white varieties.

It’s actually a white chardonnay passed through the pulp of red grape skins.

Britain’s oldest university student just completed his second Ph.D — at 95.

Charles Betty, who served as a corporal in World War II, was the first in his family to attend college.

He began his academic career at 70, after retiring from a job inspecting schools.

Speaking of senior citizens and their proud accomplish­ments:

A Seattle man recently celebrated his 100th birthday by skydiving out of a plane.

Stu Williamson’s new goal is to repeat his feat next year — which would take the “oldest skydiver’’ title from Bryson Hayes of England, who made his jump last year at 101.

Every dog has his day — even a stuffed one.

Eight-year-old August Bridges was heartbroke­n when she realized she left her beloved stuffed pooch, Cookie Dough, at the airport in Norfolk, Va.

Her mom called airport officials and police found the toy.

But the story does not end there.

Cops took Cookie Dough to various spots in the airport, where they took pictures. When August returned, they presented her with a scrapbook showing all the places her adventurou­s pup had been.

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