New York Post

Beatle slayer’s wife: Let him be


At least one person is hoping John Lennon’s killer is freed on parole when he makes his 10th bid for freedom later this month: his wife.

Gloria Hiroko Chapman, wife of the man who gunned down the famed Beatle outside his Manhattan home on Dec. 8, 1980, has no plans to leave Mark David Chapman after 39 years of marriage.

“It didn’t matter how long Mark was in prison. I would wait for him,” she told The Daily Mirror.

The 67-year-old had been married to Chapman (inset) for about 18 months before the murder that horrified the world.

Gloria said she has stuck with Chapman because of her Christian faith.

“Ultimately, I prayed and searched the Bible to read what God says about divorce,” she said. “Finally, in the book of Malachi, I read, ‘“I hate divorce,” says the Lord God of Israel.’

“That settled it, and I closed my Bible. From that point on, I decided I would wait for Mark.”

Chapman, who shot the cultural icon four times in the back at close range, will be up for parole again on Aug. 20. Lennon, who was 40 at the time, bled to death in the arms of his wife, Yoko Ono.

Chapman had told Gloria of his plan to kill the living legend two months before carrying out his gruesome plan.

“He came home scared, telling me that to make a name for himself he had planned to kill Lennon,” Gloria Chapman told the British tabloid. “But he said my love had saved him.”

But the wife claims she had no idea Chapman, now 63, was on a murder mission when he returned to New York a few weeks later.

“He said he threw the gun into the ocean, and I believed him,” she said.

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