New York Post


Prez slams 'unpatrioti­c' gov's 'insult' to US heroes


President Trump capitalize­d on Gov. Cuomo’s America “was never that great” gaffe by telling voters at a rally in West Virginia Tuesday that Democrats now have a new slogan.

“Tell that to our great soldiers at World War I, World War II, Korean War, so many others,” Trump said in Charleston, W.Va.

“[Cuomo’s] comments are an insult to the generation­s of brave Americans whose blood and sweat and tears built our magnificen­t country.”

The crowd booed at Trump’s mention of Cuomo, who said last week at a bill-signing ceremony, “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.”

Trump said Cuomo’s statement was “career-threatenin­g.” It was so bad that Cuomo even shocked his audience, which was “loaded up with socialists and probably others,” Trump said. “No, not communists, but there could have been a couple of them, too.”

“They couldn’t even believe it!” Trump said, as he re-enacted the crowd’s audible groans.

Cuomo later last week conceded the remark was “inartful.”

Trump also took a shot at Mayor de Blasio without mentioning his name, telling the crowd that Democrats were stealing his “Promises Made, Promises Kept” slogan.

He was more direct earlier in the day, tweeting, “Bill DeBlasio, the high taxing Mayor of NYC, just stole my campaign slogan: PROMISES MADE PROMISES KEPT! That’s not at all nice. No imaginatio­n!”

Actually, the slogan has been used by politician­s as far back as 1968 — at the Democratic National Convention.

Also at the rally — where Trump got an enthusiast­ic reception hours after his former campaign manager Paul Manafort was convicted on tax charges and his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to illegally paying women hush money — the president took time to blast ESPN’s “terrible” decision not to broadcast the national anthem before NFL games.

“It was just announced by ESPN that rather than defending our anthem — our beautiful, beautiful national anthem and defending our flag, they’ve decided that they just won’t broadcast when they play the national anthem,” Trump said, sparking a chorus of boos. “We don’t like that.”

ESPN has earlier said its decision was consistent with how it has handled similar situations in previous years.

 ??  ?? PLAYING TO HISBASE: President Trump does his shtick at a rally Tuesday night in Charleston, W.Va., where he exploited Gov. Cuomo’s “inartful” comment about America last week.
PLAYING TO HISBASE: President Trump does his shtick at a rally Tuesday night in Charleston, W.Va., where he exploited Gov. Cuomo’s “inartful” comment about America last week.

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