New York Post

Rudy’s Legal Gymnastics: A Twist on the Truth

THE ISSUE: Rudy Giuliani’s comment that “truth isn’t truth” during an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd.


I respected Rudy Giuliani from the time he was a federal prosecutor in New York (“Honestly, Rudy?” Aug. 20).

I thought he was a great mayor and served with distinctio­n in making the city a better place in which to live and work.

All I can say now is that he is acting — and will be remembered — as a total buffoon. His legacy will be tarnished forever because he won’t be remembered for all the good things he did. Instead, he will be forever associated with our current president. Henry Beyer Woodmere

It is puzzling to me that people are likening Rudy Giuliani’s ironic statement that “truth isn’t truth” to George Orwell’s Newspeak, when it’s perfectly clear what he meant.

He even explained that when you have two respondent­s declare something in exact opposition, discerning which is truth is difficult.

In a courtroom, if there’s a contradict­ion between testimonie­s, the truth is frustratin­gly obscured.

I don’t think there’s a person alive who understand­s that “truth is truth” better than Giuliani. Mallory Millett Manhattan

Giuliani was once “America’s mayor.” Today, he has become “America’s clown.” Myron Rushetzky Woodside

Now that Giuliani has declared “truth isn’t truth,” all US courtrooms should immediatel­y eliminate references to the outmoded concept of “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

Instead, they should consider having people swear that they are free to “prevaricat­e at will.” Richard Siegelman Plainview

Truth is immutable; perception of it is not. Giuliani is correct in saying that truth is not truth. John Lucas Buttonwill­ow, Calif.

Giuliani also said, “It’s somebody’s version of the truth, not the truth.”

“Somebody’s version of the truth” implies that a statement can be what that person believes to be the truth — but isn’t. Linda Kohn Manalapan, NJ

In context, Rudy’s statement makes sense. He was explaining why defense lawyers hesitate to permit their clients to be interviewe­d by prosecutor­s. John Doyle Water Mill

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Rudy Giuliani

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