New York Post

Prez has the write

Mueller: Pen answers


Robert Mueller reportedly has decided to accept written answers from President Trump in the investigat­ion into Russian collusion — but may attempt a follow-up interview at a later date.

The special counsel sent a letter to Trump’s lawyers saying he would accept written responses on queries about whether the president conspired with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

Mueller is wary that Trump’s legal team may use executive privilege to shield the president from answering questions about obstructio­n of justice — another avenue of the inquiry.

The special counsel’s office would decide whether to proceed with an interview after receiving the written answers from Trump, according to the letter.

The two sides have been wrangling for months over whether the president would sit down for an interview.

The move by Mueller comes after he issued two lengthy indictment­s detailing Russian efforts to interfere in the presidenti­al campaign.

Mueller has also scrutinize­d a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer who the younger Trump believed had derogatory informatio­n about Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. took the meeting, e-mails show, after it was described as part of an effort to help his father’s campaign.

The president has said he knew nothing about the meeting before it took place.

Mueller’s office has been trying to determine Trump’s intentions during several episodes as president, including the firing of FBI Director James Comey and Trump’s public attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe.

Trump has repeatedly called the investigat­ion a “rigged witch hunt,” although US intelligen­ce agencies are in agreement that Russia interfered in the election.

Mueller’s team in March raised the prospect of subpoenain­g the president to compel his cooperatio­n.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for the special counsel’s office, declined to comment Tuesday.

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