New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Tamar Lapin, Wires

It might be time to send the Cookie Monster to rehab.

Researcher­s at Ohio State University have finally figured out why people can’t stop gobbling up chocolatec­hip cookies after just one.

It’s because sugar induces the same type of craving as cocaine. Not only that, but chocolate contains a compound that triggers the same part of the brain as marijuana, the study found.

Dangerous fences make bad neighbors.

A Virginia man put up an electrifie­d fence around his yard to ward off students waiting at a nearby school bus stop.

The cranky neighbor, identified only as Brian, said he was sick of having to deal with the squabbling children and all the trash they leave behind.

A priest in Venice, Italy, wants to impose a “decency tax” on brides who show too much cleavage.

Father Cristiano Bobbo says he’s noticed downward trends when it comes to decolletag­e on dresses — and feels that outfits at church weddings should instead be simple and “in good taste.”

“We could establish a sort of offering to be levied in proportion to the decency of the dress of the bride, who often present themselves looking coarse and vulgar, so the least dressed pay the most,” he said.

A Florida mom is suing three local bars for serving her daughter . . . tea.

Mary Tabar said that the four years her 19-year-old daughter Brette spent drinking herbal kratom tea at local watering holes left her with brain damage.

The drink is marketed as treating anxiety and pain — but actually caused damage to Brette’s frontal lobe, the mom claims.

A man in China went to the doctor after he kept hearing “noises like something was beating a drum” in his ear.

Turns out a spider had crept inside his ear canal and spun a network of webs. The man wasn’t injured.

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