New York Post

Marine’s desperate bid to save hoops kid

- Ruth Weissmann, Amanda Woods

A former Marine desperatel­y tried to save the doomed teen shot in the head at a Brooklyn basketball court — and held the 16-yearold in his arms as the young man took his last breath, the ex-soldier told The Post Saturday.

Timothy Oyebola was playing hoops at the Chester Playground at 4 p.m. Friday when he was gunned down, authoritie­s said.

As Oyebola (right), 16, lay on the ground, Dominic Pabon, 23, rushed to him.

“I was upstairs in my house and I heard two gunshots go off,” said Pabon.

“As I got to my window, I see a lot of kids running out of the park. They were screaming, ‘Help! Help! Somebody call 911! Somebody just got shot!’ So immediatel­y I went downstairs.

“I got from my room to the park in less than two minutes,” added Pabon, who had basic medical training in the service.

“[I] saw the kid on the ground with his friends over him and he was bleeding heavily.

“I used my training. I took off my tank top and I tried to put pressure on the wound. He was bleeding out of his nose, bleeding out of his mouth.

“I’m yelling at him, going, ‘Listen, Timmy! I need you to keep breathing!’ He could hear me. He’s trying to breathe, you could hear him trying to breathe.”

Pabon said that as a Marine, he “never had to deal with a kid dying.”

The teen’s devastated dad, David Oyebola, told The Post soon after the shooting, “My son was a calm, quiet, obedient child. He’s intelligen­t. He loved sports and basketball. Very ambitious.

“He’s a boy who had a brighter future. He was constantly going for what he wanted to do in life. He wanted to become a doctor or an engineer.”

The youth, who attended Brooklyn Ascend HS, was likely not the intended target, cops said. NYPD Deputy Chief Michael Kemper noted, “The shots were fired quite a distance away — over 100 feet.’’

The family had immigrated from Nigeria in 2013.

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