New York Post

Stranger came up & hit me

- Ruth Weissmann, Sara Dorn

She never saw it coming. Rasa Barzdukas was grabbing a snack between her classes at the Pratt Institute around 2:45 p.m. when she saw “a very scary, monstery face” coming toward her.

“I was leaving the bodega, and I just got hit. Right in the face. Never seen the guy before, didn’t really look at him. It was just out of nowhere,” she said.

Barzdukas (inset), 19, got up and started walking to school but was more dazed than she initially realized, she said. “I was just in shock, but I tried to shake it off,” she told The Post. “I didn’t really understand the severity of it. I didn’t know what was going on.”

Video of the daytime slugging shows a man who barely broke stride as he walked up to Barzdukas outside a Clinton Hill deli Wednesday and socked her in the face. The punch sent Barzdukas flying backward onto the sidewalk along Myrtle Avenue as her assailant calmly walked away.

The attack is reminiscen­t of the so-called “knockout game” in which unruly thugs tried to slug strangers unconsciou­s with a single punch while others report it.

The LA native was bruised in the attack, cops said, but she’s taking it like a hardened Brooklynit­e.

“I told my mom, I had my New York moment,” she said.

Cops say the attacker has dreadlocks and is about 20 years old.

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