New York Post

Weird BUT true


Call it Google Cheat Views. A husband in Lima, Peru, was planning a trip with the help of Google. He was shocked when he came upon a Street View picture of his wife sitting on a bench with another man’s head in her lap.

The couple divorced.

Speaking of relationsh­ips, a British woman gave her boyfriend a list of 22 things he couldn’t do.

The list, which was posted on social media, includes: You are NOT to look at a single girl; You are NOT to get mad at me about a single thing ever; I am allowed to do a phone check when EVER I please and if I catch you around girls, I kill you.

They won’t be sent to whale jail.

Passengers on a boat in Washington state’s Puget Sound got so freaked out when three whales started following the craft, one woman called 911 to report the group’s fears that the creatures would do them harm.

One rational passenger tried to calm things down, pointing out, “The worst thing that can happen is we go for a swim. They’re not going to kill you, they’re whales.

“I promise. There’s nothing to be scared of. We’re not gonna die.’’

A kids’ birthday party with a cover charge?

A single mom in the UK town of Leicester is taking a lot of flak for charging families to attend her twin boys’ fifth-birthday party. Some 60 classmates were invited.

In addition to the admission fee of just under $8, the kids are supposed to bring birthday presents.

“I didn’t want anybody to get left out,’’ the mom said. “I thought, invite the whole class and then nobody’s upset. I thought they [the parents] would understand.’’

If you can’t fall asleep, don’t count sheep — there’s a better use for them.

Australian scientists have found that people wearing wool to bed get to sleep much faster than those wearing other fabrics.

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