New York Post

Right time for this Harvey

- Cindy Adams

HARVEY Fierstein’s 1982 “Torch Song” reopened last week. This time it’s a change of theater. Now, the Hayes. This time it’s a change of hair. Now, Harvey’s grayer. This time it’s a change of parties. Now, he actually hit Junior’s in advance for cheesecake.

Another change were maybe the first-nighters: Tina Fey, Bernadette Peters, Larry Kramer, Zac Posen — who hasn’t missed a party since his bar mitzvah — Anna maybe-soon-not-in-vogue Wintour, who did jury duty earlier then quickly changed. Also, could be, maybe, possibly, who knows, changed were her cheeks.

Matthew Broderick said he went to LA to do four episodes of Roseanne- less “The Conners.”

Harvey said: “I try to do one new idea a year. Now I’m working on a play about my old friend Bella Abzug.”

Rep. Bella Abzug. In the ’60s and ’70s big fighter, big mouth — called “Battling Bella” — fought for civil rights, social rights, women’s rights. Bronxborn, short, she wore hats, and her battling you could’ve heard in Colorado.

“The time’s right for this,” said Harvey. “Political news and sexual news are big now. Her daughter Liz actually once suggested Gwyneth Paltrow for the lead. Or, maybe Oprah. Look, I’m doing research, talking to people who knew her. I’m going to have a reading. Bella was my old friend. She’d say things to me like, ‘That f - - king Democratic party, what they’re doing to Hillary.’ ”

Cheers, Patti!

LONDON’S West End is packing them in for a reprise of Stephen Sond- heim’s “Company.” Patti LuPone plays Elaine Stritch’s original role of Joanne. Not only jamming the Gielgud Theatre, her dressing room is also SRO. A bar’s set up. After the finale, there’s her nightly party with everything including an ice machine. Patti’s margaritas could grab another Tony.

Out & about

GOSSIP from NY. This week, East 61st Street between Lex and Park, those UnReal “Housewives of New York” Ramona Singer and Dorinda Medley were taping with a camera crew. Onlookers looked on . . . HIS brand-new exellency, newly appointed US Ambassador to Hungary David Cornstein — a New Yorker — says we should visit the country. It’s safe, friendly, good food, great wine and inexpensiv­e. One NYC snack could buy four dinners in Budapest.

‘Book’ your seats

FORGET everything else. Movie maven Bryan Bantry did a screening of the film “Green Book,” a 1962-set deep down South civil rights black-and-white true story — took 50 years to write. It’s a must see. No car crashes, no shootings, no sex, no heart-stopping stunts, no huge bankroll-killing stars. Just Oscar winner Mahershala Ali and nominee Viggo Mortensen. One an old-style Copacabana bouncer, the other a Class-A internatio­nal pianist. Both must get nominated. See it.

OUTSIDE a polling place: “Politician­s used to kiss babies. Now some wait until those babies are grown.”

Can that be muttered only in New York, kids, only in New York?

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