New York Post

Bob McManus

Andy in control

- BOB McMANUS Bob McManus is a contributi­ng editor to the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal.

B IGFOOT won. Big time.

Andrew Cuomo, buoyed by millions in vendor-donated campaign cash, effectivel­y unopposed in New York’s twoparty-in-name-only corruptocr­acy and unencumber­ed by anything approachin­g common civility, was elected governor of the Empire State for the third time Tuesday.

And Democrats did equally well virtually across the board Tuesday; New York is no longer merely a blue state, it’s a shimmering cobalt state — and is likely to remain so for some time.

So congrats to Cuomo and the Democrats; the people have chosen emphatical­ly and predictabl­y. Time will tell whether they acted wisely.

The governor ran a campaign light on substance but heavy on hyperbolic criticism of President Trump. This continued into his eye-ball bulging stem-winder of an acceptance speech — and so New Yorkers should expect more of it.

For there are two major Election Day takeaways:

Trump thumping works in New York — the corollary being that nice guys no longer need try. So from now on, they won’t — and this will escalate the ugliness.

Honesty is no longer the best policy in the Empire State. The new standard is gamey-but-probably-not-prosecutab­le, and the $100 million campaign jackpot Cuomo raised over eight years — in large measure from donors seeking state contracts — becomes a starting point for the next guy.

Neither is a healthy developmen­t.

Be that as it may, now comes another payday. And while elsewhere the victors traditiona­lly collect the spoils, in New York, it’s the spoilers who usually wind up the victors. Tuesday was no different. Here’s just one example: Local 1199/SEIU, New York’s premier health-care workers union, has long lavished cash, organizati­onal infrastruc­ture and campaign foot soldiers on Cuomo. It now it will luxuriate in a multibilli­on-dollar infusion of new cash into the state’s Medicaid program, instigated by Cuomo and announced by the administra­tion 96 hours before the polls opened.

So expect single-payer health insurance — an 1199 priority — to become a thing in New York. Because it’s a fact that nobody quids a pro quo quite like Andrew Cuomo, a man bred to the state’s what’sin-it-for-me political ethic.

Now the questions become these: Leaving aside the matter of his future ambitions, is he capable of controllin­g the environmen­t he has just done so much to create? Is he even inclined to try?

It’s true that no governor in modern times has had his hands on more power levers than Cuomo will command come January. He’ll bring an impressive personal mandate to office; his hand-picked candidate for attorney general won handily — and with Democrats in firm control of the Assembly and taking control of the Senate — Cuomo is nothing if not sitting pretty.

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