New York Post

Guilty of tunnel blast

Blames Trump for his failed terror attack


The Bangladesh­i immigrant who detonated a pipe bomb in a crowded pedestrian tunnel linking the PA Bus Terminal to Times Square was convicted on all counts Tuesday — then blamed his failed attack on President Trump.

“I was angry with Donald Trump because he says he will bomb the Middle East and then he will protect his nation,” Akayed Ullah ranted after jurors left the courtroom.

Ullah, 28, denied trying to kill commuters for ISIS, as he had confessed to an NYPD detective following the Dec. 11, 2017, blast.

“I didn’t do it for ISIS group,” he said. “They are trying to put me in the group, which I don’t support, your honor.”

He faces up to life in prison.

Ullah was the only person injured when the bomb strapped to his body exploded in an undergroun­d walkway connecting the Times Square subway sta- tion and the bus terminal.

The eight-woman, fourman jury found Ullah guilty of six felonies, including using a weapon of mass destructio­n and supporting a foreign terrorist organizati­on.

The evidence against him included surveillan­ce video that shows him falling to the floor following the explosion.

Ullah’s defense lawyers admitted at trial that he detonated the device but claimed he only meant to harm himself. They also argued — in a bid to avoid life behind bars — that he wasn’t motivated by ISIS but rather by US policies he felt hurt Muslims.

But prosecutor­s cited a Facebook post Ullah made right before the blast in which he said, “O Trump, you failed to protect your nation,” followed by the word “baqiah,” which prosecutor­s said was “a slogan for ISIS.”

“It was about martyrdom, not suicide,” prosecutor Shawn Crowley said during her closing arguments. “Don’t let him run from what he has done.”

 ??  ?? ‘I DIDN’T DO IT FOR ISIS’: Akayed Ullah (in court sketch Tuesday) insisted after his conviction that he wasn’t inspired by ISIS, as he had previously confessed after setting off a bomb in a tunnel near Times Square.
‘I DIDN’T DO IT FOR ISIS’: Akayed Ullah (in court sketch Tuesday) insisted after his conviction that he wasn’t inspired by ISIS, as he had previously confessed after setting off a bomb in a tunnel near Times Square.

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