New York Post

Caravan’s Border Trek: An Immigratio­n Furor


While some people are busy vilifying and chastising President Trump over his outspoken immigratio­n policy, all seem to be overlookin­g comments by former Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Chuck Schumer and the liberal standard-bearer himself, President Barack Obama, who all made speeches advocating similar policies (“Trump a road warrior,” Nov. 6).

They called for protecting our borders, limiting the entry of illegal aliens, etc., yet there were few who came out in opposition to such policies at that time.

The bleeding-heart liberals and Trump-haters have selective memories. All they have is their hatred for Trump and anything that he is trying to accomplish. Alan Brooks Brooklyn

The hundreds of millions in US aid sent to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala is clearly not having its desired effect as thousands of migrants flee.

US taxpayers should stop being forced to sub- sidize these failed countries, whose citizens will soon crash our southern border.

If allowed in, the cost could be untold billions in social services, healthcare, education, et al. Michael Maurer Long Branch, NJ

How can the Pentagon be resisting the president’s request to send troops to our southern border to help the Department of Homeland Security stop the caravan?

This caravan is a grave threat to our sovereignt­y and security. Andrew Delaney Manhattan

If the Democrats were truly interested in the health of the American people, shouldn’t they be opposing the caravans and open borders?

How many new diseases have already been introduced into the US by illegal immigrants? How many diseases that were eradicated in the US could the illegal immigrants bring back? Glee Stocker Cape Coral, Fla.

Although I am concerned about illegal immigrants with criminal records entering the United States, I’m more apprehensi­ve about the RFK foundation bailing out violent criminals from Rikers, and Gov. Cuomo’s liberal parole board releasing cop-killers. Tom Stagg Brooklyn

 ??  ?? A migrant in the caravan.
A migrant in the caravan.

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