New York Post

‘US got audio’ of Khash kill

- Eileen AJ Connelly

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday he’s given the US and three other countries an audio tape of Jamal Khashoggi being murdered in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul.

It’s the first time Erdogan has publicly acknowledg­ed the existence of a recording of the crime.

He’s previously accused top Saudi officials of orchestrat­ing Khashoggi’s brutal slaying Oct. 2.

“We gave them the tapes. We gave them to Saudi Arabia, to America, to the Germans, the French, to the British, to all of them,” Erdogan said.

The White House did not confirm receiving the recording.

President Trump has condemned the slaying of Khashoggi (inset), a resident alien who lived in Virginia, and a contributo­r to the Washington Post.

But he has shied away from blaming Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Turkey says Khashoggi, a critic of bin Salman, was strangled and dismembere­d at the consulate in a premeditat­ed crime.

Erdogan discussed the matter with Trump at a dinner Saturday in France, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanderssai­d.

Separately, the Pentagon said late Friday the US would no longer refuel Saudi planes bombing Yemen in the civil war raging there.

The move came amid reports of high civilian casualties in the brutal conflict.

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