New York Post



President Donald Trump and his unlikely pal, French President Emanuel Macron, made up after their most recent tiff Saturday in a private meeting and a lunch with their wives ahead of formal ceremonies marking the 100th anniversar­y of the armistice that ended World War I.

But Trump and First Lady Melania’s weekend trip to Paris began under a cloud, literally and figurative­ly.

Rain poured down on Macron and his wife Brigitte as they greeted a grim-looking US president.

On Friday, he tweeted his anger at Macron for saying that Europe should form its own army to defend against threats — including from the United States.

“Very insulting,” Trump posted.

But come Saturday morning, the two presidents were exchanging niceties before the gathered press.

“Our people are very proud to have you here,” Macron said, thanking Trump for the US’s “constant solidarity” with France.

“We’re getting along from the standpoint of fairness,” Trump said, raising his favorite theme regarding NATO allies sharing financial burdens. Trump has insisted members of the pact sharply increase their military spending.

“It’s unfair to have the European security today being assured just by the United States, ” Macron agreed. “When President Trump has to protect or to defend one of the states of the United States, he doesn’t ask France or Germany . . . to finance it.”

The two went behind closed doors to talk terrorism and trade — but not before Ma- cron showed a physical display of affection toward his counterpar­t, patting Trump firmly near the knee.

A French official reported that Macron brought up Iran in their private meeting. Trump’s withdrawal from the Obama administra­tion’s deal to curb Iran’s nuclear program has been a source of friction between the US and its European allies. Macron tried to explain why France decided to maintain its participat­ion in the agrement, the official said.

“What we need is a major agreement that would give us 100 percent guarantee that Iran wouldn’t get an atomic bomb,” Trump replied, according to CNN.

As the two nations’ first ladies joined their husbands for lunch, the White House announced the cancellati­on of the Trumps’ planned visit to a battlefiel­d where 1,800

 ??  ?? A FRIEND IN ‘KNEE’D: French President Emanuel Macron gets touchy-feely with President Trump Saturday in Paris. But the good mood didn’t lift the bad weather, which the White House said kept Trump from attending a World War I battlefiel­d ceremony. Chief of Staff John Kelly went instead (inset).
A FRIEND IN ‘KNEE’D: French President Emanuel Macron gets touchy-feely with President Trump Saturday in Paris. But the good mood didn’t lift the bad weather, which the White House said kept Trump from attending a World War I battlefiel­d ceremony. Chief of Staff John Kelly went instead (inset).

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