New York Post

The Shutdown Showdown: Trump vs. Chuck & Nancy


The contentiou­s Oval Office meeting between President Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer showed why Trump was elected president (“Fight House,” Dec. 12).

While Pelosi and Schumer give lip service to their desire for transparen­cy, Trump invited the media to witness what true transparen­cy looks like. Schumer and Pelosi could not even look the president in the face as he took charge of the conversati­on regarding border security. The pièce de résistance, however, was when Trump promised to shut down the government if he doesn’t get funding for the border wall.

It was refreshing to watch Pelosi and Schumer cower in the presence of a true leader. Jack Kaufman Long Beach, Calif.

Democratic leaders have hit a new low. Whether you support Trump or not, you should respect the office. Pelosi and Schumer’s performanc­e in the Oval Office was totally disrespect­ful. Both of them should remember their speeches from a few years back when they were calling to protect our borders. Phil Valone Ossining

Trump said he’d shut the government down to show Democrats what it looks like if they make him frown. Most Americans would be happy to see one part of government closed quickly: Trump’s piehole. Vin Morabito Scranton, Pa.

Democrats have wasted two years fighting President Trump. They’ve done nothing for our country. It didn’t matter what Trump said or what he wants to do to protect our country — Pelosi and Schumer just didn’t care. I don’t know in what language we should tell them that people didn’t vote them into office to badmouth the president.

Bottom line is: We can’t have security if we don’t have a border. For God’s sake, do something for the country, don’t just fight Trump. It’s quite frustratin­g. David Yazdan Monmouth Beach, NJ

It seems that Schumer and Pelosi don’t like to be called out by the president on national TV. Trump exposed them for what they are: obstructio­nists who can’t have a civil discussion on the best solution for immigratio­n reform. Dan Gardner Staten Island

Pelosi says a border wall is immoral, but she’s wrong. What’s immoral is that we have over 20 million illegal immigrants in this country, by some estimates, and the Democrats don’t want to do anything about securing the border.

Immorality is letting anyone here legally be murdered, raped, robbed, assaulted or in any way injured or harmed by someone here illegally. The first job of the government is to protect its citizens. Pelosi & Co. should either build the wall or come up with their own plan to secure the border. John Habersberg­er New Paltz

Democrats want Trump to be seen breaking his main campaign promise to protect America by building a border wall. He’s not going to fall for that, and it makes Democrats mad. John E. Dumary Jr. Duanesburg

It was a really great idea by President Trump to invite the press to the Oval Office for his discussion­s on the border wall with Pelosi and Schumer so we can all see how he manages and takes on the Democratic leaders. Brilliant. Michael Constaglio­la Monroe Township, NJ

“I am proud to shut down the government,” said the occupant of the White House — spoken like a true agent of Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Bruce Joffe Piedmont, Calif.

Throughout the presidenti­al campaign, Trump repeatedly said he would build the Wall and that Mexico would pay for it. Now that he’s president, he’s threatenin­g a damaging government shutdown unless Congress agrees to have American taxpayers pay for it. Of course, he’ll blame the Democrats for any shutdown. Sadly, this blatant duplicity will most likely only endear him more to his base. Dennis Middlebroo­ks Brooklyng

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