New York Post

A Grave New World

We need a gene-editing debate

- RYAN ANDERSON Ryan Anderson is a fellow at the Heritage Foundation and the author of “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgende­r Moment.”

SHOULD scientists be using gene-editing technology on human embryos, rewriting the basic makeup of the human person in the race to prevent disease? The potential benefits are tempting. The bioethical concerns are grave: from human-embryo destructio­n to the creation of “designer babies” to the blurring of boundaries between therapy and “enhancemen­t.”

Some scientists are ready to close the debate — though the ethical issues are unresolved — and press full-steam ahead with their experiment­s.

In a speech in Hong Kong last month, George Daley, dean of Harvard’s medical school, said it’s “time to move forward from” debates about “ethical permissibi­lity to outline the path to clinical translatio­n.”

Trust us, the scientists, in other words.

Daley’s remarks coincided with a Chinese doctor’s claim to have created two geneticall­y modified human embryos, who were successful­ly nurtured to birth. The doctor, He Jiankui, carried out the experiment using a technology known as CRISPR-Cas9 that allows scientists to geneticall­y edit cells.

The technique holds potential to treat a variety of genetic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis and sickle- cell disease, as well as even more complex conditions such as cancers and heart disease. Indeed, Dr. He says he geneticall­y modified the two children in question, back in their embryonic stage, to make them resistant to HIV.

Thankfully, the worldwide scientific community recoiled at the ethics violation. The Chinese government called for an immediate investigat­ion. Let’s hope Beijing holds the line, because Daley’s assurances notwithsta­nding, geneticall­y modified human embryos raise new versions of old bioethical problems, as well as some altogether novel ones. For starters, countless embryos were destroyed in the process that led to the live birth of these two geneticall­y modified children. In all such assisted-reproducti­ve technologi­es, many more embryos are created than are implanted and delivered. The remaining ones — human beings at the embryonic stage — are frozen or destroyed.

Regardless of where you stand on abortion, the intentiona­l creation and destructio­n of human beings should be cause for worry. Such callous disregard for human dignity doesn’t bode well for the future of scientific integrity.

So, too, there is a great danger in creating children in the laboratory, a process that treats human subjects as if objects of technologi­cal mastery. That will have profound moral and cultural implicatio­ns as the science progresses: Societies can come to view human life — all life, modified or not — as something that can easily be toyed with and discarded.

The CRISPR-Cas9 procedure, and others like it, take us further toward creating “designer babies.” This would allow parents or government authoritie­s to dictate the characteri­stics of future people.

It isn’t hard to fathom how these new technologi­es could be deployed in the hands of racist, eu- genicist or genocidal government­s of the future. Despite its face-saving condemnati­on of the CRISPR babies, Beijing is already suspected of using CRISPR and other technologi­es to explore the possibilit­y of producing “super-soldiers” with increased muscle mass, expanded cardiovasc­ular capacity and even improved night vision.

In addition to a literal arms race, there’s also the specter of a kind of Brave New World genetic caste system. Imagine John Edwards’ “Two Americas” but between the genetic haves and have-nots. An America where the wealthy and morally unscrupulo­us design super-babies, while everyone else remains “unenhanced.”

Even barring these more dystopian possibilit­ies, there are other hazards. Scientists simply don’t know, for example, whether knocking out any particular gene will have other, unintended health consequenc­es later. The genetic code is complicate­d and interconne­cted, and even a small, well-intentione­d modificati­on could have large ramificati­ons.

Furthermor­e, geneticall­y modifying human embryos will modify their germ line (sperm and ova), entailing the transfer of those modificati­ons to future generation­s. The use of CRISPR up until now has mainly been on people already born. Because these Chinese babies were geneticall­y modified as embryos, not only has their genome been modified, but their entire lineage could be affected.

Right now, it all amounts to an experiment. But just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. To avoid technocrac­y, humans must govern technology, not the reverse.

Of course, we must avoid the trap of becoming Luddites. New biotechnol­ogies hold the potential to cure and prevent disease, to promote human flourishin­g — but only if the deployment of technology is governed by morality. The experiment­s in China with geneticall­y modified babies are just the beginning of what could go wrong.

 ??  ?? Morality first: Chinese scientists claim to have geneticall­y engineered embryos to make them resistant to HIV. But the ethical issues are unresolved.
Morality first: Chinese scientists claim to have geneticall­y engineered embryos to make them resistant to HIV. But the ethical issues are unresolved.

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