New York Post

De Blasio’s Meatless Madness

THE ISSUE: Mayor de Blasio’s new Meatless Mondays program in city public schools to fight climate change.


Mayor de Blasio thinks a good reason for the Department of Education to go meatless on Mondays next fall is to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions (“Meatless Madness,” Editorial, March 13).

There isn’t a cow, or a herd, that can out-gas his verbal emissions.

John Brindisi Manhattan

Trust me, this won’t fly. If I had kids today, I would pack them either steak, chicken, ribs or pork chops to eat in the school cafeteria on Mondays. I would love to see some teacher take away their food — there would certainly be a lawsuit pending afterward.

Joseph V. Comperchio Brooklyn

I think it’s a good idea in theory, but for all the talk about vegetables and healthier food, the menu will just add mozzarella sticks, grilled cheese, etc. I’m pretty sure the benefits of replacing meat with cheese are not all the city is making them out to be.

Joe Kreisberg Queens

Somewhere between Iowa and South Carolina, our courageous leader, Mayor de Blasio, came up with this program.

He’s optimistic that all schoolchil­dren don’t need to eat meat on Mondays. Now lunches will be filled with veggies.

This will end up as another failed de Blasio program.

Tom Stagg Brooklyn

Aside from the cute alliterati­ve phrase, this involuntar­y act even exceeds Mike Bloomberg’s desire to control our dietary habits.

Phil Serpico Queens

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