New York Post



Among fishy events of the Obama administra­tion, one that smells especially rotten took place on January 6 of 2017 when intelligen­ce officials briefed President-elect Donald Trump.

The meeting is now in the crosshairs of Attorney General Bill Barr, who tells Fox News it was part of “some very strange developmen­ts” he wants to examine.

Heart be still. The meeting, and events just before and after, could offer a road map of the plot against Trump.

At Trump Tower, CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligen­ce James Clapper and FBI boss James Comey told Trump about Russian meddling. Then Comey met alone with Trump to tell him of the prostitute allegation­s only, and didn’t mention the Steele dossier.

Days later, CNN revealed the briefing, and Clapper, after denying it, admitted to Congress he told anchor Jake Tapper about it. BuzzFeed soon published the entire dossier, giving oxygen to the Russia, Russia, Russia hysteria.

There’s more. Uniquely, the events directly implicate Obama.

Comey revealed there was a meeting in the White House on the previous day, Jan. 5, to plan the briefing. He said Obama approved of him telling Trump about the prostitute­s.

Obama’s presence was also acknowledg­ed in a strange memo Susan Rice wrote to herself on Inaugurati­on Day. In a “Dear Diary” tone, she insisted Obama did not push for “anything from a lawenforce­ment perspectiv­e,” demanding only that everything be done “by the book.” Hmmm.

Rice also puts Joe Biden and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the room.

Barr’s focus already is creating a stir, with Brennan and Comey sniping at each other and former FBI lawyer James Baker citing concerns the briefing might look as if Comey was trying to blackmail Trump.

More likely, the meeting aimed to entrap Trump and overturn the election.

Whatever the aim, Barr is on the case. Prepare for bombshells.

 ??  ?? FISHY: President Obama met with Jim Comey to plot the then-AG’s briefing with President-elect Trump.
FISHY: President Obama met with Jim Comey to plot the then-AG’s briefing with President-elect Trump.
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