New York Post


Fosse hijacks Verdon’s number during ‘Chicago’ rehearsals



Tuesday, 10 p.m., FX

THE remaining episodes of “Fosse/Verdon” focus on the backstage drama while the show “Chicago” was in rehearsal. While Gwen Verdon (Michelle Williams) cherished the property as a vehicle for herself and chose her estranged husband Bob Fosse (Sam Rockwell) as director, he changed the tone and direction of the show. He also relied on the talents of Broadway legend Chita Rivera (Bianca Marroquin), who played Velma Kelly to Verdon’s Roxie Hart, to help Verdon through some vocal rough patches.

The Post spoke to Marroquin, who knows a thing or two about Fosse musicals — she’s currently starring on Broadway in “Chicago” as Roxie Hart.

When preparing for this role, did you ask to meet Chita Rivera?

I’ve known her for years and I reached out. I said, “Chita, this just happened to me. I need your blessing and I need to pick your brain.” She was flying a lot to London to do concerts and it didn’t work out. She reached out the day of the premiere and said, “I’m very excited to see you. It’s your turn to shine.”

You have your own relationsh­ip with the show “Chicago”?

I’ve been playing Roxie Hart for 17 years. I was cast as Roxie in Mexico when I was 25. That’s my journey. I am playing her now on Broadway. I once sat next to Michelle Williams on a plane. And I auditioned to play Chita Rivera so that was like a premonitio­n.

Is it true that, as we see in the series, Fosse changes what is supposed to be Gwen’s big closing number in “Chicago”?

Yes. I’ve been told by Nicole [Fosse] and other people. Bob wasn’t satisfied with the closing number, “Nowadays.” Chita stood up for Gwen but Bob wanted the two to do a duet. Chita said it was Gwen’s show but Bob thought it would be more effective for them to do the duet.

Would you have worked for Bob Fosse?

I would have. My training was in Mexico from the ballet world. I was taught to follow rules, shut up ... and work hard. I would have given my soul to work with this man. The work, the sweat... Do it again until it’s right.

Bob Fosse treats Gwen poorly throughout “Fosse/Verdon,” yet she remains steadfast at his side. Why do you think she stood by him?

I really do think first it was a romantic love, but there was also a lot of admiration. They were both creatures of the stage. Even though their love story transforme­d into something else, their respect for each other never broke.

What was it like working with Michelle Williams on the series?

She is the most discipline­d, focused performer. When she was given a note, she would say, “Coming right up, with a side of fries.”

 ??  ?? Left: Chita Rivera as Roxie Hart in “Chicago.” Right: Bianca Marroquin as Rivera in “Fosse/Verdon.”
Left: Chita Rivera as Roxie Hart in “Chicago.” Right: Bianca Marroquin as Rivera in “Fosse/Verdon.”

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