New York Post

A flood of requests

Sandy insurance refund elusive

- Dear John

Dear John: We have been trying to get a refund from Allstate flood insurance for over a year.

After Superstorm Sandy, we were advised to elevate our Long Beach home. We were also told this would greatly decrease our flood insurance cost. On Jan. 1, 2018, our flood insurance bill came due and we paid Allstate more than $2,300.

The elevation was completed on Feb. 1, 2018.

We received an elevation certificat­e from the city of Long Beach and sent it to Allstate requesting a refund.

The company asked for pictures of the home and we sent them.

It then asked for pictures of the flood vents and we sent them. We frequently called the Allstate broker in Northport, LI, for updates.

Last January, in addition to a bill for more than $2,500, we received a request from Allstate asking for documentat­ion about elevation.

We sent the stuff again and after a few calls we were told that Allstate got the documentat­ion but would give no refund because they gave our money to FEMA.

We said we gave our money to Allstate so they they should refund us and Allstate should get the money back from FEMA.

Since then we’ve sold the house to our son and sent a letter to that effect to Allstate, which the broker said it received. We hope you can help us. G.M.

Dear G.M.: I contacted Allstate on your behalf and the company essentiall­y punted the problem to the federal government. Allstate basically said it only administer­s the flood insurance and that you’ll have to contact Washington to get your money back.

I’m with you on this one — Allstate took the payment from you. Now that there’s a refund apparently due, Allstate should get your money back.

My contact at Allstate says it told you what needed to be done to make the government happy and that it walked you through the process.

The other problem was: Allstate doesn’t seem to have a current phone number for you. So my very able research department came up with what looks like a cellphone number. So Allstate should soon be in touch — if, of course, you haven’t disconnect­ed the phone. All in all, you need this: good luck.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? WASHOUT: A reader who was advised to elevate his Long Beach home after Superstorm Sandy has struggled to get flood insurance credit for it.
WASHOUT: A reader who was advised to elevate his Long Beach home after Superstorm Sandy has struggled to get flood insurance credit for it.

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