New York Post

Gas-Guzzling Eco Activists: Google’s Hypocritic­al Meet


Google squandered a teachable moment. Had the company chartered a jumbo jet and provided hybrid vehicles for the “rich and famous” it hosted, those of us who are urged to use public transit might have taken notice (“Search party!” July 31).

Instead, it’s just a worthless p.r. stunt with no value except for the guests, many of whom probably know nothing about global warming.

A meeting of elite scientists in a less-opulent setting would have been more meaningful. Mel Young, Lawrence

Google’s hypocritic­al summit to save the Earth, a blatantly extravagan­t soirée that included the rich and richer, is beyond prepostero­us.

It’s ludicrous that the hotel and staff had to sign nondisclos­ure agreements. We know they’re hiding their lavish, gasguzzlin­g, polluting lifestyle.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your money — as long as you don’t tell everyone else in the world what to do with theirs. Beverly Meil Scranton, Pa. Can these ingrates be more smarmy than they seem?

How sublime these rich jesters are: Let’s fix global warming over cases of Dom Pérignon and foie gras! Kevin Judge Rockaway

All those self-righteous celebrity millionair­es, trying to shame everyone who isn’t one of them.

Whether they are Hollywood elites or business moguls, they keep telling us peons: no cars, no gas, no planes, etc,. But they flaunt their privilege and political power everywhere. Exhibit A of their arrogance is this Google summit.

Are they really so selfcenter­ed that they don’t see the entire event as indecent? They all should be ashamed, but we all know they be won’t be. It was a disgusting display. Jean Cole Juno, Fla.

The Post’s piece on the climate-change gang was priceless. What hypocrites. Why don’t they ride their bikes to Central Park, pitch a tent and have a meeting?

The fact that DreamWorks founder David Geffen and Diane von Furstenber­g arrived on megayachts is nauseating. Wake up, America. These are the people who want to rule you. Felicia Castricone Livingston, NJ

Have any of these “Alisters” ever looked at the climate history of the Earth? It is relevant.

About 14,000 years ago we had a mini-ice age. There was also a period of time when the Earth warmed up. It’s a pattern that has been repeated over and over.

That is the Earth’s climate, and there’s nothing anyone, including A-listers, can do to stop it. Barbara Paolucci Manhattan

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