New York Post


Gunman who ranted against ‘Hispanic invasion’ kills 20 at El Paso Walmart


Agunman identified as 21-year-old Patrick Crusius went on a rampage at an El Paso Walmart after allegedly posting a manifesto decrying a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

A 21-year-old Texan armed with an assault-style gun and a murderous rage turned a Walmart in El Paso into a slaughterh­ouse Saturday, killing at least 20 people in one of the deadliest mass shooting in US history, authoritie­s said.

A single suspect — identified by CNN as Patrick Crusius of Allen, Texas, a suburb of Dallas — calmly surrendere­d and was in custody hours after the mid-morning shooting that also left as many as 26 people hospitaliz­ed, a police spokesman said.

The youngest victim is a 4-month-old who suffered traumatic injuries, hospital officials told CBS News; and the oldest is among the injured is 82, ABC News reported.

It’s the deadliest mass shooting since 58 people died in the October 2017 massacre in Las Vegas.

The FBI has opened a domestic-terrorism investigat­ion into the shooting, CNN reported.

Investigat­ors are looking at a hate-filled, white supremacis­t manifesto that the shooter may have posted online just a half-hour before opening fire.

The Walmart is near the sprawling Cielo Vista Mall, a popular shopping destinatio­n among Mexican tourists who cross into the border city for a day of shopping.

Three of the fatalities and six of the injured were Mexican citizens, officials in Mexico said Saturday night.

Law-enforcemen­t agencies sped to the scene, including local cops, state troopers and federal AFT, Homeland Security and the Border Patrol agents.

The suspect was apprehende­d “without incident” an hour and a half after the first shots were reported, said El Paso Police Sgt. Robert Gomez, adding, “We have no informatio­n about what the motive is.”

But investigat­ors are reviewing a manifesto — in which the author writes, “This attack is in response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas” — believed to have been written by Crusius and posted online a half hour before the shooting, CNN reported.

El Paso, a city of 680,000, sits just across the border from Juarez, Mexico.

“This is just a tragedy that I’m having a hard time getting my arms around,” El Paso Mayor Dee Margo told CNN.

The gunman began opening fire at about 10 a.m., beginning his rampage in the Walmart parking lot, an eyewitness told ABC News Radio.

Dressed in khaki pants and a dark V-neck T-shirt, he looked like he was dancing as he stalked his victims, said shopper Vanessa Saenz. He cornered a small crowd of cowering victims, raised his rifle and started firing, she said.

He then walked with confidence into the store “like he was on a mission.”

Bystander video shows the young gunman entering the Walmart — through the automotive section, one witness recounted — with rifle leveled.

In the video, he is wearing the kind of ear protectors and safety glasses commonly used at firing ranges.

He “started shooting everyone, aisle by aisle, with rage,” said shopper Miguel Rodriguez, who had been shopping for a toy for his 7-year-old son when he heard the gunshots and hit the ground, he told the Daily Beast.

Shoppers — many buying back-to-school supplies — can be seen cowering under tables as shots rang out in a witness video aired by KDBC-TV, the local CBS affiliate.

“People were panicking and running, saying that there was a shooter,” Kianna Long said. “They were running close to the floor, people were dropping on the floor,” added Long, who escaped through the stockroom and sheltered in a steel container with other customers.

A witness named Britney, 19, told the news site that she was with her mother and little brother in underwear aisle when shots rang out. The three dropped to the ground, waited for the shots to stop, then ran from the store, holding hands.

“My mom is dead,” a boy told Fox News after seeing what he described as multiple bodies.

“We heard shots,” Victor Gamboa, 18, told “I saw a man on the floor full of blood,” said the teen, who works at the McDonald’s in the Walmart. “He appeared to be dead. It happened very quickly.”

Video posted to Twitter shows customers being evacuated with their hands over their heads as an officer shouts, “Hands in the air!”

Shoppers were evacuated through the parking lot, past bloodied corpses.

“Ay, no!” one horrified videograph­er screamed as he saw a corpse with a massive head injury.

The shooting comes six days after a teen gunman opened fire — again with an assault-style weapon — on a crowd at a garlic festival in Northern California, killing three people before fatally shooting himself.

“Terrible shootings in ElPaso,” President Trump tweeted after 4 p.m. from his golf course in Bedminster, NJ. “Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authoritie­s, and Law Enforcemen­t,” he said.

Six hours later he added in a tweet that the shooting was “not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice.

“I know that I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today’s hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people.”

Democratic presidenti­al candidate Beto O’Rourke, an El Paso native and former Texas congressma­n, said he was “incredibly saddened.” His campaign canceled his weekend events.

“Everyone’s resolved to make sure this doesn’t continue to happen in this country,” he told reporters at a Nevada forum.

Walmart released a statement saying, “We’re praying for the victims, the community & our associates, as well as the first responders.”

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