New York Post

These cps are all wet!

Gov rips meek response to dousings

- By BERNADETTE HOGAN Additional reporting by Tina Moore and Bruce Golding

Gov. Cuomo got steamed up on Monday while discussing the recent water-bucket attacks on NYPD cops, saying the officers’ timid, caught-on-camera responses to the dousings made them appear “impotent.”

But while calling the cops’ behavior “one of the most disturbing and embarrassi­ng actions I’ve seen,” he placed the blame on Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD.

“I look to the training and the policies of the Police Department that would’ve instructed them to act that way,” Cuomo said on Albany’s WAMC radio.

“The training has to be, you don’t turn around and get back in the car and drive away. You literally make law enforcemen­t ineffectiv­e and impotent, and that hurts everyone.

“You’re assaulted, you take the perpetrato­r into custody. That’s what you do.”

Cuomo said the state troopers under his command would never tolerate such abuse.

“If that ever happened to the state police, I would bet you my bottom dollar that you would not see state police officers assaulted and they turn around and get back in the car,” he said.

The head of the NYPD’s largest union agreed with the criticism but called it misdirecte­d.

“Gov. Cuomo is right: The NYPD is frozen, but don’t blame the cops. Instead, blame the complete lack of leadership from City Hall,” Police Benevolent Associatio­n President Patrick Lynch said.

While Cuomo “apparently wants the New York State Police to know that he has their backs,” Lynch said, city cops “have nothing even remotely close to that kind of support from our city’s elected leaders.”

Troopers “do not have to deal with a mayor who demonizes them for his own political gain, a City Council that imposes new burdens and second-guessing at every turn, or NYPD bosses who look to protect their own careers at the expense of the men and women they lead,” Lynch said.

“It also doesn’t hurt that state troopers are paid about 30 percent more than NYPD cops.”

Cops were targeted in at least four water-bucket attacks in Harlem, Brooklyn and The Bronx during last month’s heat wave.

Three men, including one reputed gang member, have been arrested, although two were accused of soaking a civilian. Ten more suspects are being sought.

In response to Cuomo’s remarks, NYPD spokeswoma­n Sgt. Mary Frances O’Donnell said, “The NYPD is the besttraine­d and most-skilled police department in the world.”

City Hall didn’t return a request for comment.

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