New York Post

Deadly Racism in Action: A Weekend of Bloodshed


There can be no excuses for the violence perpetrate­d on the innocent people in an El Paso shopping mall (“Mall massacre,” Aug. 4).

It was a venomous act, allegedly committed by a deranged and evil 21year-old who was consumed with hate for immigrants.

Accused shooter Patrick Crusius is the textbook definition of a racist. Trump is not a racist. All the accounts Democrats cite relating to his racist remarks in Charlottes­ville have proven inaccurate. His rhetoric targeting illegal immigratio­n is not racist.

Having said that, it is up to Trump to continue to embrace the American people, talk to us face-toface, offer us words of consolatio­n and state emphatical­ly that he will not tolerate these horrific acts of terrorism on American soil. Sharon Borenstein Springfiel­d, NJ

When will enough be enough? How many more shootings does it take before this president takes action to end senseless killings?

The president must take a stand to protect us from harm, end the violence and distance himself from the NRA. Diane Oriente Springfiel­d, NJ

As someone who has taught and studied rhetoric for over 40 years, what we say or don’t say matters. Enough with politician­s calling for “thoughts and prayers.” That only eases our minds, makes us feel better and normalizes violence. But it obscures the real problem.

Let’s be candid about the contributo­ry causes of this crisis — including easy access to high-capacity assault weapons, increasing mental illness and, yes, the incitement of hate and fear spurred by our president. Together, these constitute the perfect storm.

One thing is clear: As long as we have a president who incessantl­y spews racist and hateful words that are applauded by white nationalis­t and Republican leaders who are cowards and refuse to stop him, little progress will be made to fix this dangerous problem. Richard Cherwitz Austin, Texas

The shooting at the mall that left at least 22 dead in El Paso raises pertinent issues.

Obviously, those who support strict gun control can cite the murders as an argument to limit the sale of such weapons.

Yet restrictin­g the sale of guns is no answer when so many are already in the hands of citizens. In place of limiting gun sales, perhaps banning the sale and availabili­ty of ammunition should be considered. Nelson Marans Manhattan

This administra­tion has shown time and again it doesn’t care. All those involved in this fiasco should be held accountabl­e, and that includes members of Congress who, along with the president, are simply not taking action to stop the carnage.

Unfortunat­ely, we have to wait until Election Day to oust this disgracefu­l bunch of know-nothings and do-nothings.

Anyone who thinks this president is doing a great job (with his foulmouthe­d rhetoric, keeping the nation divided, praising dictators and demonizing the press and anyone who happens to disagree with him) is truly delusional.

He says he cares but only about himself, as he continues his daily barrage of lies and misinforma­tion while supporting the NRA and stoking white nationalis­m. Herb Stark Mooresvill­e

Another two shootings involving rapid-fire/large magazine military-type assault rifles (and a total of some 31 dead) within 24 hours, and Trump again cites “mental health” for these horrendous circumstan­ces.

While not making light of those suffering mentalheal­th problems, it is absolute lunacy to continue to allow the wrong set of guns to be sold in America to the wrong set of Americans.

Why give such people easy access to any type of gun in the first place — let alone to military-type assault weapons — to continue to slaughter American citizens in such great numbers?

Please do something. Trump. This could be your finest hour — or America’s flags may well be perpetuall­y flying at half-mast. Howard Hutchins Victoria, Australia

 ??  ?? A memorial in El Paso.
A memorial in El Paso.

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