New York Post

Jay can’t have it both ways

- Cindy Adams

COLIN Kaepernick. Big career in this country he can’t respect. Big fame from this country he can’t respect. Big NFL settlement in this country, which can pay an orthopaedi­c specialist to mend the knee that can’t bend to honor this country he can’t respect.

The kerfuffle brings up how come Jay-Z, with tight connection to Colin, OK’d his big pal’s deal-making with the biiig NFL. How come Jay-Z didn’t back up big bro Colin’s all-time big-time attitude? Jay-Z’s mouth never opened.

Why? Because his Roc Nation company’s in bed with the NFL. Also with Disney. Disney owns a majority chunk of ESPN, which fights for the right to show more NFL games. Pay attention. Be

yoncé, the missus, is the queen of Disney’s latest version of bigmoney “The Lion King.” Translatio­n: She gets percentage, soundtrack, recording, points. We’re talking large money.

Beyoncé’s opening her golden throat to sing for Disney, and Jay-Z’s opening his 18karat bank account with the NFL. So those mouths are shut because those banks are open. Everyone got a payday. All — but the brotherhoo­d — are happy.

Bits & pieces

FURRIER Dennis Basso, after a fire in his Madison Avenue salon — patronized by every dressy yenta between here and Madagascar — asked: “Know anybody wants to buy a wet sable?” ... AND kindly remember Mother’s words: When all manufactur­ed p.r. about Lopez’s new high-class movie dies down, watch the heat with A-Rod — a one-woman man unless other women are around — also die down.

What I hear

AFFLECK, Behar and Whoopi have appreciate­d psychologi­st Carmen Harra, who’s done love songs album “Behind Closed Doors” . . . FORMER NY Giants/Super Bowl Champ Jay

Alford and agent Marcos Cruz at Harlem’s 123 BSB restaurant. No info on who got the check . . . THE Honorable John Czygier, retired longtime LI surrogate judge, now counsel to the Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles law firm.

THIS week’s New York magazine has a multiple page spread on me. The line on its cover reads “Cindy Adams’ Shocking Apartment.” Not sure what’s shocking about it — except maybe for the maintenanc­e.

New York magazine is thorough. Excellent writer Wendy

Goodman came over several times. With photograph­er Ste

phen Kent Johnson. She then called, e-mailed, asked again and again, rechecked, and triple confirmed everything. She should work for the White House.

Only one complaint. Juicy, my Yorkie, age 17, is a girl. A her. The magazine calls Juicy a him. Juicy is upset.

Only in New York magazine, kids, only in New York magazine.

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