New York Post

Claude Meliarenne



ROUTE: Meliarenne has three evening run routes between his Upper West Side office and Fort Lee, NJ. The trips, which range from 13 to 15 miles, take him up Riverside Drive, across the George Washington Bridge and down the Fort Lee riverfront.

WEEKLY MILES: 85 to 125

Some spend months training for a half-marathon. Fort Lee, NJ, resident Claude Meliarenne runs that distance — sometimes even more — every day from work.

“I have pictures of me running in a snowstorm,” says the 48-yearold, a business manager for an after-school program who recently qualified for his sixth Boston Marathon. “I never take a day off.”

Meliarenne splits his day between two offices. In the mornings, he walks 1 mile to the first one in Fort Lee. Then, at 1 p.m., he walks across the George Washington Bridge to Washington Heights. From there, he hops a quick subway to the Upper West Side office — although he wishes he could skip that part.

“I just don’t feel well in it,” he says of the train. “I just don’t like going down there.”

His mood picks back up for his 5:30 p.m. run, even though he’s stuck carrying a backpack stuffed with paperwork and his work clothes. He has a few routes — one across the George Washington, another with a Central Park loop — but they all take about 2 hours. He sheds some 2,000 calories daily.

The key to staying on track? Don’t overthink it, Meliarenne says.

“If you hesitate, I think you’re done,” he says.

“I go straight out, don’t think about it and then I’m fine.”

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