New York Post

Lindsey ‘weaks’ havoc on prez


President Trump and Lindsey Graham engaged in a Twitter fight after the South Carolina senator said the commander in chief ’s action to date on Iran showed “weakness.”

“The measured response by President @realDonald­Trump regarding the shooting down of an American drone was clearly seen by the Iranian regime as a sign of weakness,” Graham wrote, referring to an incident this summer in which the US planned a retaliator­y strike but the president canceled it at the last minute.

That move emboldened Iran’s mullahs, Graham continued in another tweet, and encouraged aggression such as the drone and cruise-missile attack on the Saudi oil industry. The US has blamed Iran for that attack, a charge Iran denies.

“The problems with Iran only get worse over time so it is imperative we take decisive action to deter further aggression by the Ayatollah and his henchman,” said Graham.

The president fired back, arguing that his restraint was actually a show of strength.

“No Lindsey, it was a sign of strength that some people just don’t understand!” he tweeted.

Asked about the comments later, Trump repeated that they showed strength and issued an ominous warning to Iran.

“We have the strongest military in the world now. I think it’s a great sign of strength. There’s plenty of time to do some dastardly things,” he said.

Trump on Wednesday said he ordered Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to impose more sanctions on Iran.

But Trump has offered mixed messages on how else America would respond to the attacks.

On Sunday, he said the US was “locked and loaded,” suggesting a military response. A day later, he said he would prefer a negotiated resolution to the crisis.

And he said Tuesday that he’d prefer to not meet with Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani after previously indicating that he was open to meeting him without preconditi­ons.

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