New York Post



The insoucianc­e of The New York Times and its reporters amid the fallout from their dishonest Brett Kavanaugh story is astonishin­g. They honestly don’t care. As the journalist­ic world condemned them, they published one mildly critical letter to the editor expressing “disappoint­ment” at Sunday’s reporting of a decades-old uncorrobor­ated rumor, and two in support, including one from a “member of the Bar of the Supreme Court,” Sarah McKee of Amherst, Mass.

“To have a justice on that court with as little dignity as Justice Brett Kavanaugh has proved himself to have, and as much mendacity as he appears to have, is an insult.”

The letter was based on an allegation for which the Times had no credible evidence and for which it had to apologize.

Yet it went ahead and published the letter after the fact.

Meanwhile, one of the offending Times reporters, Robin Pogrebin, co-author of “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigat­ion,” has been making the whole debacle worse in tin-eared media appearance­s pushing the book.

Having finally admitted on “The View” that she wrote the tasteless, and soon deleted, “penis waved in your face” tweet, she went ahead and trivialize­d the situation again:

“Maybe for me, a New Yorker, I would have said, ‘Get that out of my face,’ ” she boasted.

Then Tuesday, Pogrebin further trashed the alleged victim of her bogus tale, who had refused to speak to her and told friends she doesn’t remember any incident with Kavanaugh.

According to Pogrebin, the woman was simply too drunk to remember. She was “incredibly drunk at that party, as was everyone,” Pogrebin said in a radio interview.

It’s bad enough that the poor woman has been named in the cruddy book. Now the Times wants to crucify her like Kavanaugh because she ruined their narrative.

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