New York Post


Quit chasin’ prez like Moby: Nancy


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged Judiciary Committee Democrats and chair Jerry Nadler to abandon ship on their “Moby Dick”-like obsession with impeaching President Trump, it emerged Wednesday.

The California congresswo­man launched the friendlyfi­re broadside in a closed-door Capitol Hill meeting last week, warning Democratic members and aides of Nadler’s crew that their thirst for impeachmen­t would never survive a floor vote, according to Politico.

“And you can feel free to leak this,” Pelosi told those on hand for the verbal keelhaulin­g, who did just that to the Beltway outlet.

It was not immediatel­y clear whether the attendees included New York’s Nadler, but the message apparently didn’t do anything to curtail his Captain Ahab-esque pursuit of the white whale in the White House.

He hauled in former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowsk­i to testify before the committee on Tuesday in a display that quickly backfired and devolved into chaotic spectacle.

“Sadly, the country spent over three years and 40 million taxpayer dollars on these investigat­ions,” Lewandowsk­i said in an opening statement that attacked the very process.

“It is now clear the investigat­ion was populatedp by many Trump haters .”

Asked whether Nadler — whose mutual disdain with Trump dates to well before the real-estate scion entered the political arena — should stay the course or give up the chase, sitting Democrats were mixed.

“Someone’s got to show people there’s law and order,” said Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, who also sits on the House Judiciary Committee — and was mocked by Lewandowsk­i on Tuesday as “President Swalwell” in a jab at his aborted 2020 White House bid. “It’s not pretty what the president did, right?” said Swalwell. “So it’s probably not going to be clean and pretty getting to the bottom of it.” Freshman Rep. Max Rose, who represents Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn, reiterated his stance that the impeachmen­t drumbeat is driving partisansh­ip and making Democrats miss the forest for the trees. “If we do not maintain the focus on those things, the American people will think we are conducting a bait-andswitch on them,” said Rose.

Two Democrats seeking to oust Nadler in his Manhattan/ Brooklyn district in 2020 smelled blood in the water and panned his leadership on the issue — and for allowing Lewandowsk­i to run roughshod over them.

“We need to have a clear message and, most importantl­y, courage to fight as hard as Republican­s are,” said Holly Lynch, calling Tuesday’s showing “sloppy. “Right now, it’s not clear that Nadler and the leadership have the courage or the strategy.”

Added Lindsey Boylan, “Jerry Nadler gave Corey Lewandowsk­i the opportunit­y to snub his nose at the committee and mock the rule of law with no consequenc­es. It’s shameful.

“And hiding behind Pelosi is not leadership and doesn’t excuse his muddled approach.” A spokeswoma­n said Pelosi “supported” the hearing,

but would not comment on the reported closed-door meeting. Nadler’s camp did not respond to requests for comment.

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