New York Post

Actor has sex-scene secrets

- Cindy Adams

JOCKO Sims, who stars in NBC-TV’s “New Amsterdam”: “Awkward when it’s a sex setup with someone you don’t like and don’t talk to. This actress wasn’t speaking to me, yet we had this heavy-duty coming up, where we had to be passionate. She didn’t bother with any routine hi-howare-you beforehand, and minutes later we’re into this big-time Doing It.

“The show’s written and produced by women. And they literally wrote in every detail. I must say, one of those sex scenes did end up being a little fun. Sometimes, to take the edge off, it takes a shot of tequila. Jon Hamm was known to do that. I did that once, too.”

Sims recalled one particular dream sequence in the TV spinoff of Oscar winner “Crash.” It had a bareback — bare way down his back — take wherein he’s riding a motorcycle in the desert with two women on board.

“I see this woman on set with a camera. I’m like, whoa! Drugged up Dennis Hopper didn’t care. Me, I’m thinking, all I need is a shot of me going viral buck-naked on a motorcycle with two beauties. You have to be aware who’s around when you’re filming a scene involving nudity.”

Sunday, a full interview that might flash his backside, front side and anything else is with hosts

Jesse Nash and Steve Grillo on Aftershock­XL, the Battlechat­s Network on YouTube.

Lead with love

YEARS back Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor’s husband twice, told me: “You needn’t be in love with your leading lady — but it helps. It’s torture when you feel nothing toward them. Making love profession­ally is helpful if you have some yen for them personally.

“I had to kiss one famous actress whose mouth was like the Grand Canyon. Her nostrils? As if entering a two-car garage. One can manage to feel something toward some leading ladies, and I try to find what’s bearable, but I’ve suffered sheer hell heroines. There’s hardly money enough to pay for this kind of work.

“Kissing one particular lady was akin to taking a deep dive into outer space. Enough to make one think of turning away from women altogether.”

Bits & pieces

COMMERCE Secretary Wilbur Ross and wife Hilary, Audrey Gruss and gallerist Isabelle Bscher checking out a $28 million René Magritte at Park Avenue Armory art fair.

Martha Stewart, Sofia Symonds and Elizabeth Sutton also sniffed around . . . INTERIOR designers Tony Ingrao and Randy Kemper, who did Kim Cattrall, Howard Stern and Jack Welch homes, will curate an Architectu­ral Digest show at the Department of Design and Constructi­on.

Please try to pay attention

PSYCHIC Rebecca Fearing and Dr. Drew — who, just so you know, have podcasts — Halloween’d at Carolines . . . HALLOWEENI­NG in London, critic Johnny Oleksinski saw “Mary Poppins” and says Petula Clark, age 86, looks like a million (Brit currency) pounds.

AT one debate, Biden and Bernie shook hands. And their fingers fell asleep. Yawned only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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