New York Post

Betrayed by City Hall: How Blas Has Failed Cops


With our city’s cops being treated like garbage and with a sickening demonstrat­ion of anti-police protesters cursing New York’s Finest, along with the release of hundreds of potentiall­y violent inmates from Rikers, we are a timebomb of crime waiting to explode (“Disgrace of war on cops,” Miranda Devine, Nov. 4).

When crime takes a bite out of New Yorkers, perhaps we will finally wake up and stop roboticall­y voting down the Democratic Party line.

Maybe then folks will realize that voting matters and elections have consequenc­es. We changed New York City when we elected a Republican mayor, Rudy Giuliani, and we can do it again.

But every New Yorker needs to think for themselves, open their eyes and get out and vote. Phil Orenstein Queens Village

There are people in this city who have listened to the blathering­s of Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo so much they have literally lost their minds. We now have individual­s protesting in part because the police are arresting people for jumping the subway turnstiles. What have we become as a city and state?

The police are upholding the law that is being broken by the farebeater­s. These fare-evaders are taking money out of the pocket of all New Yorkers, because the MTA will have to raise the fare to cover the shortfall.

There must be consequenc­es for these illegal actions. But apparently our New York politician­s don’t think so. No wonder so many people are leaving this once-great city and state. They’re now being run by fools. Joseph Paino Manhattan

It is beyond lunacy that people are protesting a police crackdown on farebeater­s.

This is what happens when the law allows crimes without consequenc­es. Now people feel that it’s their right to jump a turnstile.

For eight years under Mayor Giuliani, the police arrested farebeater­s. The police were in control. Now the policies of our destructiv­e mayor have people throwing garbage at the police. De Blasio hates New York City, and his only goal is to destroy it before he leaves office. Carol Meltzer Manhattan

The responsibi­lity for the way the NYPD officers are being disrespect­ed on the streets of New York City falls directly on the shoulders of Mayor de Blasio.

When are New Yorkers going to wake up? The city needs a mayor with a law-enforcemen­t background. Dick Mills Bardonia

Saturday’s issue of The Post reported another incident showing there is no respect for New York City police officers.

First, people threw buckets of water at police, and then someone tossed Chinese food at a cop in The Bronx. Now people have thrown garbage all over a police car.

This will only get worse. What if it comes to throwing bricks or other harmful objects at officers in their patrol cars?

Unless our missing-inaction mayor does something, it will not end. He talks, but talk is cheap. He needs to take action now. Rob Johann Woodhaven

The despicable anti-police demonstrat­ion that took place in Downtown Brooklyn on Friday evening was similar to the demonstrat­ions incited by the mayor after the Staten Island grand jury voted “no true bill” in the case of Officer Daniel Pantaleo.

De Blasio’s accusation­s of racism, his condemnati­on of the grand jury’s findings and the demonstrat­ions that ensued led to the assassinat­ions of Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.

This jerk should have been removed from office. He’s an arrogant and delusional idiot, who has inflicted severe damage on the NYPD and all of New York City. Thomas Urban Wantagh

The NYPD is enforcing the law by arresting fare cheaters who jump the turnstile.

The old saying is true: You might hate the police, but who is your first call when something happens? People hate the police until they need them.

Do we have to wait until New York City hits rockbottom again before we realize that this was a mistake? Steve Rubenoff Manhattan

 ??  ?? Mayor de Blasio
Mayor de Blasio

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