New York Post

Hey, jobs data ‘experts,’ you’re failing big time


ATTENTION all you Wall Street “experts” who try to predict the monthly employment report! This column is for you.

The rest of you, of course, can read along. But the first item in this column is specifical­ly for those on Wall Street who get paid a lot of money to get their economic prediction­s correct.

And they don’t do that often enough.

Experts: It makes me sad to say this, but you aren’t doing a very good job. And, quite frankly, I’m afraid your bosses will soon be asking why and might even — dare I say it — be cutting your fine salaries.

OK, do I have your attention? Now I’m going to tell you where you are going wrong. Ignore me at your own — and your family’s — peril.

The consensus among all the experts was that, when the Labor Department released its October employment numbers on Nov. 1, the report would be lousy. Just 85,000 new jobs would be created in the month, the experts thought.

That turned out to be very wrong. There were actually 128,000 jobs. So the “experts” missed by 33 percent.

And the number of jobs in October was reduced because of a strike at General Motors that subtracted around 85,000 jobs from the tabulation.

Not only that, the Labor Department said there were 95,000 more new jobs in August and September than it previously announced.

In other words, the “experts” will now have to close their yaps about the imminent recession, at least based on recent employment numbers.

Why were the “experts” wrong? It was because — despite my years of trying to educate them — they still don’t understand that the Labor Department makes wild guesses on some of the estimates it includes in these numbers.

For instance, the numbers released on Nov. 1 included an additional 274,000 jobs (before being seasonally adjusted) that the Labor Department thinks — but can’t prove — were created by newly formed companies too small to show up in government surveys.

Peoples’ eyes glaze over when I mention this, and I’ve been glazing eyes for years, but this guesstimat­e is called the “birth/death model” by the Labor Department and it is responsibl­e for many of the miscues made by Labor figure “experts.”

This is perhaps the least understood and most important game the government plays with its economic figures because the number of jobs being created affects many other estimates made by Wall Street “experts.”

There are four months each year where this guesstimat­e by the government can make the employment growth figures look stronger or weaker than they actually are. October was one of those months when the figures are made to look much stronger than the employment situation’s reality probably is.

April and May are the other months when the “experts” have a good chance of underestim­ating job growth because the government guesses that a lot of possibly phantom jobs were created.

January — when the Labor Department subtracts a huge amount of jobs — is when the experts are likely to overestima­te.

Getting eight out of 12 months right is like a .667 batting average in baseball. You’d be headed for the Hall of Fame twice. But swinging and missing on four out of 12 months of employment data will get you fired on Wall Street.

President Trump is probably right.

If he is impeached and removed from office, the stock market will likely suffer tremendous­ly. Stock prices have been roaring under his leadership for reasons that aren’t always legitimate (I’ll get to those in future columns), so it’s logical that his departure would hurt stocks as much as his presidency has helped.

And if Wall Street really thought he’d be booted from office, the stock market would have begun declining already.

Since the Senate, which is controlled by the president’s party, would have to find him guilty of crimes and show him the door, Trump isn’t going to be leaving office unless he loses the next election or the Republican­s lose control of the Senate.

And I don’t think either is going to happen.

In their latest attempt to drive Trump from office (call it a coup if you like, Trump does) the Democrats think they have the goods on the president over a phone call he made to the leader of the Ukraine asking for an investigat­ion of Joe Biden, the former vice president and one of the Democrats’ presidenti­al candidates.

If the Democrats time it right, they might be able to take a successful impeachmen­t vote at about the same time that a mountain of dirt comes out on their own party and members of the US intelligen­ce community. When is the dirt coming from Attorney General William Barr, JJustice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Connecticu­t US Attorney John Durham?

Ah, that’s where all the drama is! According to source of mine who has always been reliable, the Horowitz report — years in the making — was supposed to come out on Nov. 1. But “bureaucrat­s” in the Justice Department complained that the report, which is already floating around in those circles, had too much “transparen­cy.”

In other words, it contained too many secrets that were given to the US by foreign allies.

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