New York Post

Dems’ Three New Lies

Tuesday’s top fact-twisting

- ANDREW C. McCARTHY Andrew C. McCarthy’s new bestsellin­g book is “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency.”

IN Tuesday morning’s impeachmen­t-inquiry hearing, in questionin­g of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of the White House National Security Council and Jennifer Williams of Vice President Mike Pence’s staff, Democrats are pressing three misleading themes.

First, Chairman Adam Schiff and the Democrats’ counsel, Daniel Goldman, have attempted to frame a dichotomy between President Trump and what they call “official” US foreign policy. It’s a false framework.

Official policy is not, as they suggest, made by the so-called policy community (comprised mainly of the NSC, the State Department and government agents from the intelligen­ce community and the armed services). The president makes American foreign policy.

The function of the policy community is to give the president its best advice and the benefit of its considerab­le knowledge and experience. But in our representa­tive republic, policy is made by the only official who actually answers to the voters whose lives and interests are at stake — the president.

The Democrats’ theory is that it is misconduct for the president to depart from the policy priorities of unelected bureaucrat­s. That gets things backward. The president sets policy; the policy community is supposed to carry out the president’s policy.

It is certainly possible that a president’s policy may be misguided or even improperly self-interested — and in that sense, it could be wrong. But it cannot be regarded as wrong simply because the policy community disagrees.

Second, Democrats highlight the president’s reference, in the July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, to a conspiracy theory that Ukraine may have been complicit in the hacking of Democratic e-mail accounts. It is quite correct to contend, as they do, that there is no known support for this theory.

It is also correct that US intelligen­ce agencies and the Mueller investigat­ion assessed that Russia was behind the hacking attacks.

From these correct premises, Democrats are drawing two false conclusion­s: (a) that there is no evidence of Ukrainian interferen­ce in the 2016 election besides the discredite­d theory that Ukraine was behind the hacking; and (b) if Russia interfered in the 2016 election, Ukraine cannot have done so. This is disingenuo­us.

There is significan­t evidence that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election. Democrats want to suppress it because the interferen­ce was for the benefit of the Clinton campaign. For example, a Ukrainian court concluded in late 2018 that Ukrainian officials, including a parliament­arian and the anticorrup­tion police, interfered in the US election.

Ukrainian officials were responsibl­e for leaks — in particular, a leak of a dubious ledger showing payments from the thenregime in Kiev — that resulted in Paul Manafort’s being ousted from the Trump campaign. That incident became an important part of the Democrats’ discredite­d Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

Logically, moreover, there is no credible either-or understand­ing of Russian and Ukrainian interferen­ce in the 2016 election. It is perfectly reasonable to believe both that Russia meddled by hacking Democratic e-mail accounts and that Ukraine meddled by seeking to find and publicize informatio­n that would hurt Trump and help Hillary Clinton.

Third, the Democrats took pains to elicit from the morning’s witnesses that there was no evidence of either (a) corrupt activity in Ukraine by former Vice President Joe Biden in connection with the notoriousl­y corrupt energy firm, Burisma, that was lavishly paying his son; or (b) Ukrainian interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

They are plainly seeking to use this testimony (and similar testimony they have previously elicited) to argue that corruption allegation­s and claims of Ukrainian meddling have been disproved. In point of fact, the witnesses who were asked to give this testimony later conceded they had no knowledge of the underlying facts.

In a judicial proceeding under evidentiar­y rules, witnesses would not be permitted to testify regarding matters as to which they have no personal knowledge and no basis in admissible evidence to render conclusion­s.

The fact that this testimony has been elicited in a congressio­nal hearing that is adhering to no evidentiar­y rules does not make the testimony true, accurate or reliable.

To be clear, this is not to accuse the witnesses of lying. They simply should not be asked questions they have no known basis to answer informativ­ely.

 ??  ?? Pawns: In questionin­g Jennifer Williams and Lt. Col. Alex Vindman, Dems tried to create a distinctio­n between Trump policy and “official” policy.
Pawns: In questionin­g Jennifer Williams and Lt. Col. Alex Vindman, Dems tried to create a distinctio­n between Trump policy and “official” policy.
 ??  ??

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