New York Post

Weird BUT true


He’s a real momma’s boy. A man was arrested in Brazil for dressing up as his 60year-old mother to take her driving test for her.

The instructor realized the person in front of her was Heitor Schiave, 43, in a floral dress, painted nails, makeup and a wig — and not his mom. Schiave was charged with fraud and misuse of someone’s identity and confessed, cops said.

Las Vegas turned into the Wild West last week when about 30 cowboys on horseback threatened to lasso an alleged carjacker.

The suspect bolted out of a suspected stolen car as police chased him — and was met by the cattle ropers.

The cowboys pinned him to the ground until cops arrived.

This is a half-baked idea for a family heirloom.

A Michigan clan has passed down a fruitcake from generation to generation for 141 years. Julie Ruttinger’s greatgreat-grandmothe­r Fidelia Ford baked the cake in 1878.

The family keeps the prized possession stored in an antique glass dish on the top shelf of a china cabinet.

A stock trader from Australia recently admitted to a “double life” in which he would “get boozed at lunch time” and rob banks.

Ross Oliver McCarty, now 70, pleaded guilty to four robbery charges tied to a string of stickups across Sydney in 1977 and 1978. He was charged in 2018 after detectives reopened the cold cases and used fingerprin­t analysis to track him down.

Indiana state troopers last week stopped to lend a stranded motorist a hand — and then arrested him for driving a stolen truck that had a license plate drawn with crayon on a paper bag.

Joshua Lewis-Brown, 20, from Rochester, told cops he was unable to change his tire and needed a tow truck. They were about to oblige him when they noticed the “plates.” That led them to discover the truck had been reported stolen from Pennsylvan­ia a day earlier.

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