New York Post

3’s company at screening

- Cindy Adams

RICHARD Gere, Peter Din

klage, Julianna Margulies’ new film, “Three Christs,” is about psychiatri­c medicine’s treatment of schizophre­nia.

Julianna: “Richard’s role is the doctor. I’m his wife. Peter plays a patient. We made this two years ago. So long back, I can’t remember the name of my character. I’ll see the film tonight. I haven’t seen it since we made it. Oddly enough, some sequences we filmed at Sarah Lawrence, where I’d actually gone to school.”

Julianna looked great. Black hair, big eyelashes, jewel earrings, red lipstick, spike heels, flawless skin. She said: “It’s due to my actress friend Dana Del

any. She told me she puts collagen powder in her coffee every day. Six months ago, I started putting it in green tea every morning. It definitely gives you something. I see a difference. Also I work out every day.”

After Dinklage hugged Julianna, he said: “We actually shot some of the time in an office in Yonkers, which was great. I’m a New Yorker, and I love getting to stay home. Summertime, when I was off from the time making ‘Game of Thrones,’ is when we filmed this.”

Jan. 19’s full-page Hollywood Reporter ad for Screen Actors Guild awards labels Dinklage the “Best Actor of His Generation.” So how does Julianna Margulies: Looking fabulous at an NYC screening of her film “Three Christs.” he describe playing schizophre­nic? “You don’t play schizophre­nia. It’s complicate­d. I don’t want to diminish it or judge it, but you’re not out of your mind, it’s a state of mind. I know about this because of some people in my life.” In came Richard, and he, Julianna and Peter all hugged. Richard: “This is based on a true story, a Michigan hospital psychiatri­st whom I play and who believes schizophre­nic patients should not receive electric shock and confinemen­t but sympathy and understand­ing. In this story, three patients believed they’re Jesus Christ. It was his risky, unpreceden­ted treatment which pushed psychiatri­c medicine and profoundly changed a look into the human kind.”

Then, cranky: “Why must I explain this? You should first see the film.”

Not my fault. I explained that’s because I was getting to see its stars before the screening of the movie.

Again, cranky, “But you should’ve seen the movie first.” Odds & ends

ALYSSA Milano just got a new puppy. A girl. A corgi. Name’s Halo . . .

DJT reportedly now has more than 70 million Twitter followers. Seems like he’s adding 20 mil new twits a year . . . MOHAM

MED Bin Nayef, f irst cousin to Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, booked a couple of tables then schlepped an entourage to NYC’s Copa. It was two Arabian nights for the United Arab Emirates . . . FYI: A shred of informatio­n. If Quentin Taran

tino’s “Once Upon a Time in . . . Hollywood” gets an Oscar for Best Picture, Le

onardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt each get a $250,000 bonus.

NYC’S new sky-high apartment buildings vie as to which is classier. Asked how many bathrooms a new penthouse owner has, he answered: “I can seat eight.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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