New York Post

In-and-Out Offenders: NYC’s No-Bail Nightmare

THE ISSUE: Two men who were released with no bail only to allegedly commit crimes while free.


There were several stories in The Post this weekend that make you wonder what goes through the minds of our idiotic New York state “leaders.”

On Friday, Assemblyma­n Carl Heastie declared there is no reason to even consider changing the new bail “reform” law that Democrats shoved down the throats of New Yorkers (“Heastie: We won’t tweak bail reform,” Jan. 10).

A couple days later came two stories that prove how insane this law is: First, a suspect let out of jail after allegedly robbing four banks is said to have proceeded to immediatel­y rob a fifth (“Cashin’ in on no bail,” Jan. 11). Then a man arrested for beating two women was released the next day (“Fresh bust for freed ‘violent mug’ suspect,” Jan. 12). All because of this unconscion­able new law.

But New Yorkers only have themselves to blame for this disgrace after voting morons into office. I only hope voters remember this in November. Joseph Paino Manhattan

Bail reform in New York has taken a bad turn that endangers all of us.

This is especially true for senior citizens like myself and other citizens who can’t protect ourselves against violent repeat offenders who are released without bail and free to attack again.

Case in point is the alleged bank robber who was arrested and released without posting bail.

Then there was a homeless man who police say attacked a woman and knocked out two of her teeth and was also arrested and released without bail. Now he has been arrested again and was ordered to have a mental evaluation.

I find this quite troubling and scary. As a senior, I worry about being attacked by a repeat offender who was released without bail.

New York is slowly becoming a most dangerous place to live. I feel our mayor, governor and government officials really don’t care. Frederick R. Bedell Glen Oaks Village

People are afraid to walk the streets and ride the subways. Homeless people are terrorizin­g everyone. People are being arrested and then, due to bail reform, allowed back out on the street to commit other crimes.

Criminals who assault the elderly, women and children don’t deserve to be on the streets. They are animals and belong behind bars. When are people held accountabl­e for their actions? Michael Bosso Staten Island

The revolving door at courthouse­s, a longstandi­ng joke, has become a reality thanks to those in Albany and our governor and our mayor. Robert Neglia The Bronx

Every bad thing that happens from here on out because of one of these criminals rests squarely on the shoulders of Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and Heastie.

This is insanity. The inmates are running the asylum. We’re going to long for the ’80s. Paul Schettino Hopewell Junction

Eugene Webb was released after assaulting two women. This was after he already didn’t show up for a court date for a similar offense on Oct. 7.

Does anyone really expect him to show up on his Feb. 25 date?

What this proves is that crime certainly does pay. Definitely do the crime, because there will be no time. Ronald Alois Brooklyn

With the release of Eugene Webb under new bail reform, please keep violins tuned for when Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio next decry violence against women.

Where are the left-wing feminists when such a person is turned loose on the public? Where are the feminist lawyers yearning to protect women? Paul O’Keefe Union City, NJ

Courts are releasing suspected criminals who are wreaking havoc all over the state on no bail, and Democrats see no problem with that.

Have these left-wing lugnuts gone completely off the rails? It will come back to haunt them. Cuomo, de Blasio and the rest of them will only realize the mess they’ve created after it’s too late.

By then, New York City will look like the ’80s and ’90s all over again. Harry D’Onofrio Bohemia

 ??  ?? Eugene Webb
Eugene Webb

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