New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Dean Balsamini, Wires

This “ATM” will never go dry.

A London bar located in a building that formerly housed a Santander bank celebrated its opening by installing a replica ATM dispensing Prosecco instead of pound notes.

The mustard-colored “Automated Prosecco Machine” dispensed the wine for free last week, but the bubbly will come with a price in the future.

How sweet it is! Hershey broke the Guinness World Record for the biggest chocolate nut bar Friday when it unveiled a 9 foot by 5.5 foot Take 5 that weighed 5,943 pounds.

The titanic Take 5— which contained layers of peanut butter, caramel, nuts, pretzels and chocolate — was larger than the 4,728-pound Snickers bar served up by Mars Wrigley just two weeks earlier.

An English motorist was stunned when he appeared to spot a dead “leopard” in the road while driving through West Yorkshire.

Curiosity got the best of Ben Lilly, 40, who cautiously left his car to get a closer look at the supposed fallen wildcat. The “road kill” turned out to be an abandoned leopard-printed onesie with a tail.

Honk more, wait more. Mumbai traffic police have installed decibel meters at select heavy traffic signals to deter drivers who blare their vehicle horns even when the light says red.

If the needless noise pollution exceeds the dangerous 85-decibel level, the signal timer resets — doubling the wait for miffed motorists.

It’s to die for! A do-it-yourself funeral kit for cheapskate­s is now on sale in Japan.

The morbid DIY includes a wooden coffin, duvet set for your deathbox and a funeral handbook. The kit, which goes for about $275, comes with an optional urn if the deceased opts for cremation.

The average funeral cost in Japan is about $14,000.

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