New York Post

Making America Safe Again

Trump’s policies will be vindicated in the wake of COVID-19


AS the nation confronted the new coronaviru­s, the mainstream media quickly settled upon its all-too-predictabl­e talking points. This is “Trump’s Katrina,” we were told, a crisis the president cannot “spin” away, and which almost certainly spells his electoral doom. Say what you will, but the media herd has a coordinate­d response for every occurrence: Blame President Trump.

Democrats should, however, beware of attempts to politicize COVID-19 or to score cheap political points against the president. It is true that the crisis, steadily building in China, should have triggered more rapid planning in America — even while congressio­nal Democrats continued to occupy all of Washington with their ideologica­lly driven impeachmen­t effort.

And some of the president’s early remarks downplayed the severity of the problem, perhaps in an attempt to instill calm. In this, his public statements diverged from his decisive actions. Effective early February, and with only a few exceptions made, Trump shut the borders to foreign citizens who had traveled within a two-week period to China. Americans who traveled anywhere in China within a two-week period were asked to self-isolate upon entering the United States; those who had gone to Hubei province, where the virus first spread, were placed in formal quarantine.

The American people understand that the full, domestic threat of COVID-19 became apparent only slowly. When health experts called for more extreme measures, voters saw a president — in defiance of the left’s caricature of him — act on the science, issuing guidance that put public health above economic considerat­ions. In the coming months, as the administra­tion’s aggressive economic stimulus measures take effect, voters will likely see that Trump’s response has been strong and that his politics have been ahead of the “corona curve.”

In the current crisis, President Trump’s politics of national sovereignt­y have, in fact, found clear vindicatio­n. Which other president, and which other candidate, would have acted more quickly to secure America’s borders? Can voters imagine a typical politician, whether Democrat or Republican, moving so swiftly to restrict travel from China and Europe? No. Instead, one could have expected hours, days, even weeks of hand-wringing conversati­on with political consultant­s. There would have been the weighing of “optics,” the devising of media “strategies,” and yes, the spin — all while the risk to the nation, and the world, grew.

Sure enough, typical politician­s, some of them world leaders, reflexivel­y criticized Trump’s prompt actions. With little regard for their hypocrisy, these officials then followed the president by institutin­g their own travel restrictio­ns.

Trump’s long-standing critique of the globalist consensus, and his desire for a strong, national manufactur­ing base, is also being proven correct. The US cannot simply depend upon foreign countries, especially China, for critical supplies. Despite the tenets of globalist orthodoxy, in an increasing­ly interconne­cted world, it is ever more important for a nation to command its own industrial destiny. As Trump understand­s, there are harms as well as benefits to globalism. A secure nation should have the resources to protect its people; it must not place its security at the mercy of foreign government­s.

Whatever his critics may say, Trump’s politics provide real answers not only for the present crisis but also for the prevention and mitigation of future pandemics. Strong borders, national sovereignt­y and thriving domestic industry are not incidental to a peaceful, prosperous and safe country. They are cornerston­es of it. On these matters, the president has been right all along. And that’s a fact that no one can spin away.

 ??  ?? President Trump’s America First instincts are proven correct as he leads the pandemic response from the White House on Thursday — moving early on to shut down travel from China, where the virus originated.
President Trump’s America First instincts are proven correct as he leads the pandemic response from the White House on Thursday — moving early on to shut down travel from China, where the virus originated.

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