New York Post

Gotham Paint War

- Hat

Tdidn’t take long: Just four days after Mayor de Blasio had a Black Lives Matter mural painted on the street in front of Trump Tower, someone defaced it with their own bit of graffiti.

Video caught a man dumping red paint across some of the BLM letters Monday and then scooting off.

Why’d he do it? Not clear.

Maybe he got caught up in the fervor of the moment, in which anything goes: destroying statues, taking over public property like City Hall Park, looting, whatever.

Maybe he sought to send a political message. After all, there’s no question Black Lives Matter (the movement, anyway) is political, and in having it painted on a public street de Blasio was using public property for a clear political purpose: to stick his thumb in President Trump’s eye.

Perhaps the vandal opposed the BLM group itself, which calls its members “comrades,” seeks to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,” has links to anti-Semitic movements like Boycott, Divest and Sanction and pushes to “defund the police.” Not everyone’s on board with that agenda, even those eager to fight racism.

Clearly de Blasio thought nothing of how divisive the sign might be. After workers repaired it, Hizzoner taunted the culprit: “To whoever vandalized our mural . . . nice try. @NYC_DOT has already fixed it.”

One thing is certain: The NYPD is now mobilized, de Blasio is truly concerned and he’ll do whatever it takes to find the person who did it. There’s only one kind of vandalism he cares about.

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