New York Post

A Double Show for Voters: The Convention Tug-of-War


President Trump and the Republican National Convention completed a Hail Mary pass on opening night (“Four-day ‘Don’vention,” Aug. 24).

It was quite a contrast to the opening night of the Democratic National Convention debacle, where hatred of our country, and half its citizens, was very evident.

Speaker after speaker at the RNC, including the president, spoke from their hearts and minds, with sincerity and compassion, and presented significan­t evidence that there is a need to continue the work of the current administra­tion for four more years.

The contrast between Trump and Joe Biden couldn’t be more clear and appalling. Do we give up our freedoms if Biden is elected or keep them by re-electing Trump? Richard Ketay

Newark, NJ

I first thought it was a joke when I heard that among the speakers at the RNC would be the white Missouri couple who pulled guns on and threatened peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, but, lo and behold, it was real.

This president serves only his shrinking base, including the National Rifle Associatio­n, which was surely gleeful over the proud promotion of two people who used their guns to intimidate and terrorize those who were exerting their First Amendment rights.

Those of us who continue to believe that a president should demonstrat­e honor, integrity, empathy, compassion and basic human decency have a clear choice on Nov. 3.

Oren Spiegler Peters Township, Pa.

I was truly impressed by what I saw and heard at the first night of the RNC and what our president accomplish­ed over the past three years.

When the nighttime news decided to pick up the RNC feed, many of the speeches were interrupte­d by Democratic talking heads, thus not allowing the viewer an unbiased and unencumber­ed experience.

To add to the left-wing media slant, barely any news coverage was devoted to the convention — a far cry from the hours of fawning they gave the Democrats last week.

Robert Lobenstein


The contrast between the two political convention­s is quite stark.

The Democrats used their convention to put forth their platform for moving this country forward, not back to the 1950s.

It wasn’t about any one person. It was about every American — because we all count in this country, last I checked.

The Republican convention refused to include any platform whatsoever. Instead, speakers were all about praising one man — Trump. It has always been all about him.

As we saw in their convention, Republican­s are all-in on the authoritar­ian form of government, while Democrats strongly prefer to be led by the Constituti­on.

Bob Bascelli


Clear the stage — amateur hour is over. It’s time for the pros to have their time in the sun. Let the adults take charge.

The president and the Republican­s will dominate the week and show the people what a convention in the hands of patriotic, God-fearing Americans, the heart and soul of this exceptiona­l nation, can accomplish.

Unlike the Democratic disaster, and the embarrassi­ng, cringe-worthy response of sycophants in the media, Republican­s’ first day was a great success. Bob Pascarella

The Bronx

The first two evenings of the RNC highlighte­d a significan­t difference between the leadership styles of the two presidenti­al candidates.

In last week’s Democratic convention, Biden conveyed the image of an old man hiding in his basement due to fear of COVID-19.

Biden projects weakness and dependency, while Trump projects independen­ce and fearlessne­ss, especially when it comes to dealing with the pandemic.

But the main difference between the two candidates is that Biden is a watcher and Trump is a doer. Which person do you want as president — the guy who plays it safe or the one who gets things done?

Anthony Scro


THE ISSUE: Comparing the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention.

 ??  ?? President Trump
President Trump

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