New York Post

Rojas: Timing made boycott discussion impossible


The Mets never discussed following the lead of the NBA and six MLB teams and not playing Wednesday night.

Manager Luis Rojas said by the time word spread of others boycotting to draw attention to racial inequality and police brutality it was too close to Wednesday night’s first pitch, and even Dom Smith, who took a knee during the national anthem as his own personal protest, admitted to not even thinking about it at the time.

“I love baseball, so I love getting out there playing. That’s my safe haven,” said Smith, who has been outspoken about racism he’s dealt with and gave an emotional Zoom press conference after the Mets’ 5-4 win. “That’s where I just get my mind off all the stress that goes on in my life. So I didn’t think too much into it. But that’s something I did think of afterwards. In the moment, getting ready for the game, that’s all I wanted to do, was get ready to play a baseball game I love.”

When asked if the Mets may sit out a game, as the Reds-Brewers, Dodgers-Giants and Padres-Mariners did following three NBA playoff games not being played Wednesday, Michael Conforto said he had “no idea.”

“I guess I’ll see [on Thursday], but that hasn’t been brought up,” Conforto said.

The protests came after a black man, Jacob Blake, was shot multiple times in the back by Kenosha, Wis., police officers on Sunday night.

Rojas and Conforto supported Smith’s decision to kneel, but both said they didn’t plan to kneel with him moving forward. Rojas expected the team to discuss the matter further. It didn’t seem likely the Mets would be taking action like others have.

“We all have a job to do,” Smith said. “I’m here, I love baseball. If there’s a game [on Thursday], I’m sure I’ll be here.”

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