New York Post

Don’s all aTwitter with ’21 promises


President Trump predicted in a flurry of tweets Sunday that 2021 “will be our best year ever” if he is re-elected, while touting himself as the protector of Americans’ gun rights over “Sleepy Joe.”

“Winning Big. Next year, if I’m re-elected, will be our best year ever! Sleepy Joe wants to quadruple your taxes and go to socialized healthcare. Depression!” the president wrote, referring to his Democratic presidenti­al foe, Joe Biden.

Biden has said he wants to build on ObamaCare and raise the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent.

Trump included in the tweet a link to a “Trump War Room” posting showing 1.4 million jobs were added to the economy in August.

The president, responding to a report that Biden recently only took questions from journalist­s on a list his camp handed him, added, “Disturbing! Cannot possibly Lead our Amazing Country! He will get eaten alive by ALL other foreign leaders, radical Left and so much more!”

Meanwhile, Trump said he would protect the country’s Second Amendment right to bear arms.

“VIRGINIA, and everywhere else for that matter, I am the only thing standing between you and your 2nd Amendment. If I am re-elected, it is 100% SAFE. If not, it is GONE!” the president wrote.

“And 96% in the Republican Party. Save your 2nd Amendment!” he said in another posting, referring to a Rasmussen Reports poll from Friday that showed his approval rating at 53 percent.

The president also tweeted, “LAW & ORDER!”

In addition, the commander in chief retweeted a link to a story titled, “NFL TV Ratings Are In The Toilet.’’

“People want respect for our Anthem and our Flag,’’ Trump wrote, referencin­g some football teams’ protests against racial inequality and police brutality, which have included players either kneeling during the anthem or staying in their locker rooms before games.

“Ratings will only get worse! Didn’t we go through this once before?” Trump wrote.

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