New York Post

Weird BUT true

- Tamar Lapin, Wires

A nap was cold comfort for this burglar.

A 21-year-old man allegedly tried to rob a house in India — and fell asleep in an airconditi­oned room mid-heist, according to local reports.

The homeowner was awakened by would-be thief Suri Babu’s snores and called police. Cops stormed the house, but Babu locked himself inside the cool room, before finally turning himself in.

An Oklahoma woman told police that she had to “poop so bad” — before taking off and leading them on a highspeed chase.

Emily Sindt Owings, 28, was pulled over when a cop noticed she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and discovered her license had been revoked.

She took off, leading cops on a pursuit for several blocks at 70 mph before eventually being nabbed.

The US population of wild pigs is soaring — in what experts are calling “a feral swine bomb.”

There are about 9 million feral hogs in the nation currently, and the beasts, which cause an estimated $2.5 billion in damage each year, are multiplyin­g quickly, The Atlantic recently reported.

They’re set to occupy 386,000 square miles across the country by the end of 2020.

What a snap back to reality ...

A UK motorist tried to film a Snapchat video out of her car window — and fell out onto a busy highway.

“It is only by luck she wasn’t seriously injured or killed,” cops wrote on Twitter, adding the hashtag “#nowords.”

That’s not a hair clip! A woman in Australia woke up thinking she’d rolled over onto a hair accessory — only to find a snake chomping at her forehead.

“I felt it and it was smooth and long and I said, ‘It’s a snake!’ ” recalled mom Emily Hinds, 42.

Her husband jumped out of bed and used a golf club to wrangle the serpent. He then picked the beast up with a gloved hand and took it outside.

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