New York Post

Facing a Classroom Mess: Blas’ School-Start Delay

THE ISSUE: The de Blasio administra­tion’s decision to delay in-person learning at city schools over two weeks.


After much pressure from teachers, principals and parents, the New York City Department of Education has decided to gradually phase in the return of students to the city’s public-school system over a two-week period, rather than having all of them return on Sept. 21 (“School is in session — oh, wait,” Sept. 18).

There are schools that still do not have the necessary PPEs and other equipment as well as continued ventilatio­n, and classroom repair issues not yet completely and satisfacto­rily resolved.

Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Richard Carranza have finally listened to the legitimate concerns of all groups.

This school year still will be challengin­g. Hopefully as everyone works together, it will run smoothly. John Amato

Fresh Meadows

By now, all should know that the status quo will not help school kids.

When I worked as an engineer, we reviewed projects that had little or no possibilit­y of succeeding, scrapped the whole project and started from page one.

As head of the United Federation of Teachers, Michael Mulgrew is not a government employee and can’t be touched, but de Blasio and Carranza are — and must be replaced as quickly as possible. Gov. Cuomo can do that, but he won’t.

Elio Valenti, Brooklyn

Are you out of your mind, advocating for inperson learning in schools? The coronaviru­s pandemic is not over. We don’t allow large gatherings anywhere else: Why should we allow them in schools? There have been confirmed spikes in schools that have tried inperson classes.

Want to save our kids? Let them stay home. Let them have remote learning, so they’ll stay healthy and not run the risk of either getting the virus themselves, or passing it along to their parents.

Noah Miller Fresh Meadows

Why is it that de Blasio and Carranza can just keep screwing up everything they attempt, and there is no accountabi­lity?

If they were normal Joe Blows, they would have been fired for being constant putzes.

Why does King Andrew allow this kind of behavior? These idiots are screwing around with people’s lives with complete impunity. Tony Fasano Staten Island

OK, open schools. But what do you do if the parents won’t send their children because they say it isn’t ready and safe? Same with the teachers and staff won’t work in those buildings?

Schools should open when the are ready to safely accept students. Gilda Rothenberg


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