New York Post


College kids with COVID symptoms film ‘tasteless’ TikTok vids


Shannon Roche knew she had COVID-19 after she bit into a sourcream-and-onion potato chip in early July.

“I couldn’t taste that,” the 25year-old told The Post. She then ran to the bathroom and grabbed her favorite perfume.

“I sprayed every inch of my body and couldn’t smell it,” said Roche, who, along with her roommate, tested positive for coronaviru­s July 8. The pair spent two weeks sequestere­d in their shared Orlando, Fla., townhouse, where they passed the time by participat­ing in a bizarre new trend: taste-testing gross foods and posting the results on TikTok, as a kind of COVID badge of honor.

Cellphone videos show the roommates downing hot sauce, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar and booze, to name a few of the more pungent ingredient­s, while blindfolde­d. Minced garlic?

“I knew what it was just by the texture,” Roche said. Not so with raw onion, which she mistook for “celery or a cracker.”

Loss of smell and taste are early indicators of a coronaviru­s infection, especially in younger patients who may not exhibit other symptoms. Harvard researcher­s concluded in July that the disease attacks supporting cells to olfactory neurons, suggesting that the brain chemistry that allows us to sniff won’t be permanentl­y damaged by COVID, although some people say their senses are still debilitate­d months out.

Now, more than two months after her diagnosis, Roche’s taste buds are still mixed up.

“I can’t taste pumpkin flavors, but I can taste my caramel iced coffee,” said the Cherry Hill, NJ, native, who would sniff a K-cup every morning to monitor her symptoms. “I wasn’t able to smell the grounds until two weeks after I tested positive.”

Another surprising side effect for infected college kids locked indoors? The dorm dwellers — who in some cases are being digitally tracked to reduce the virus’ spread — can’t taste the gnarly flavor of cheap alcohol.

“I drank El Jimador, which is tequila on a college budget,” said Cammie Cooke, 19, an Auburn University sophomore who was diagnosed with COVID-19 toward the end of August. She posted a video to her TikTok account showing her taking shots of Texas Pete hot sauce, apple cider vinegar, minced garlic and, yes, tequila.

“It was the strangest thing. It made drinking a lot more fun,” Cooke, a p.r. major, told The Post. “I couldn’t even feel the burning, and I didn’t need the chaser.”

Roche said she had the same superpower.

“I did shots of vodka for fun and it felt like water,” she said. “I was throwing them back and taking videos and sending them to my friends.”

Cooke spent quarantine with three roommates — only one of whom has tested positive — watching movies, scrolling through TikTok and enjoying wine night, though she didn’t bother with the vino.

“I thought, ‘I don’t need to waste the calories,’ and I would drink shots of tequila,” she said.

Fans of the viral videos say they actually help combat irresponsi­ble behavior by building awareness of COVID-19’s more peculiar symptoms.

Cooke says it was because of TikTok that she knew to get tested and start quarantini­ng when one morning she couldn’t taste the coffee she always gets at Dunkin’.

After nearly two weeks indoors, she and her fellow coeds celebrated their return to campus — and the return of their senses.

“We each dropped $70 on dinner. We got burgers, fries, drinks. It was like taking the first bite of new foods,” said Cooke, who says her one regret of her time without taste was not trying beer.

“I don’t like beer, but I think girls who do are so cool,” said Cooke. “That would’ve been the perfect time to crack one open.”

Even though she still has lingering symptoms, Roche has retired her “party trick” of downing harsh liquor. Now, when she ventures out to bars and restaurant­s with her boyfriend, she sticks to what she knows — or at least used to know.

“I like sweet wines, like Moscato or riesling,” said Roche. “But I couldn’t taste it. It felt like I was drinking juice.”

 ??  ?? FLAVOR FLAYED: After coronaviru­s took away their sense of taste, a blindfolde­d Shannon Roche (far left, with roommate Savannah Smith) participat­ed in a taste challenge, as did Cammie Cooke (with some of her culinary conquests).
FLAVOR FLAYED: After coronaviru­s took away their sense of taste, a blindfolde­d Shannon Roche (far left, with roommate Savannah Smith) participat­ed in a taste challenge, as did Cammie Cooke (with some of her culinary conquests).
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